Monthly Archives: February 2015

Rabbi David Saperstein was sworn in on Friday, February 20 as the new US...

David Bedein was an invited guest at the ceremony. Here is an essential excerpt of Rabbi Saperstein's remarks after accepting the appointment. ​AMBASSADOR SAPERSTEIN: During my career, my mandate has indeed covered a wide range of issues,...

How ​to ​​facilitate a flow of donations​ for the people who dwell in UNRWA...

Not a day goes by when you do not see yet another news story about the genuine suffering of the descendants of Arab refugees who continue to wallow in the misery of the ​UNRWA...

Much Ado at the Qusayr Site? A Syrian Nuclear Snapshot

Syria has a long history of deception and lying to the international community on matters concerning its development and use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Therefore, any new information concerning these matters, even...

An American about face, into the arms of Iran

Recently I was asked for my take on leaked information suggesting that European officials complained in closed meetings that the U.S. was conceding to Iran on nuclear demands in efforts to establish Iran as...

Feds lied for 30 years about Jonathan Pollard

A recent breakthrough in the case of Jonathan Pollard has shed powerful new light on the injustice of his continued incarceration. Key portions of a critical classified document, on which the government has relied...

Exposed: Secret memo reveals Pollard sentence a sham

NEW YORK – With little fanfare and no news media coverage, a dramatic, potentially game-changing development in the Jonathan Pollard spy case quietly occurred three months ago. Jonathan Pollard is currently serving his 30th year...


The family of Kayla Mueller, the American hostage and humanitarian who was killed by ISIS earlier this month, has launched a new 501(c)3 charity in her memory. The charity,Kayla’s Hands, was announced by the family...

Shuffling the deckchairs…writes Michael Kuttner

Current events in Europe evoke memories of shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic as the superliner steamed its way towards its catastrophic fate. I believe that my analogy of shuffling the deck chairs on the...

Uri Orbach, Israel MInister For Senior Citizens, who died at age 54 this week

The legacy of a person is often determined by the final acts of that person in his life. Two years ago, Uri Orbach assumed the position as the Israel government minister for senior citizens affairs,...

Examination of the Names of 17 Journalists and Media Personnel Whom the Palestinians Claim...

Overview of the Examination's Findings About a week after the end of Operation Protective Edge the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate issued a list of 17 names, allegedly of journalists who had been killed in the operation....