Daily Archives: April 3, 2015

New Israeli documentary shows ‘Children’s Army of Hamas’

In documentary presented to the UN, Hamas appears to acknowledge that it is breaking international law by training and indoctrinating child soldiers. http://bcove.me/vufvmgyb A new 11-minute documentary created by Israeli filmmakers depicting senior Hamas figures brazenly...

Teach your children…writes Michael Kuttner

Every Passover eve Jews worldwide sit down with family and friends to recount the story of the Exodus from Egypt and learn its lessons. A unique feature of this annual religious celebration is the active...

White House and Israel release competing descriptions of Obama-Netanyahu phone call on Iran deal

White House version: The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 02, 2015 https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/04/02/readout-president-s-call-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu-israel Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel President Obama called Prime Minister Netanyahu today from Air Force One to discuss...
Image of Iranian intercontinental missile taken by Israeli satelite

White House description of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

White House description of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Iran) [Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Please note: #1. All the centrifuges - including the most advanced ones - remain intact in storage inside Iran. #2. It appears Iran...

Bernard Lewis explains why MAD doesn’t work with Iranian Leadership

Updated Aug. 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. ET The Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB115500154638829470 During the Cold War, both sides possessed weapons of mass destruction, but neither side used them, deterred by what was known as MAD, mutual assured destruction....

Weekly Commentary: Two basic things many analysts forget

The following are probably the top two things analysts most frequently  forget: #1. Iranian Twelver messianism: “In this context, mutual assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would have no...

Enemies’ Moves, Friends’ Silence, Slam Door on Elijah’s Hope

On Friday night during the Seder, millions of Jews in Israel and throughout the diaspora will fill Elijah’s Cup and then fling open their doors to ‘welcome’ the spirit of Elijah with the hope that...

How to end the ME conflict in four easy steps

Dennis Ross and David Makovsky in Israel’s Drive Toward Self-Destruction, argue that Netanyahu must offer up hope to Palestinians or face a revived de-legitimization movement. They’re certainly right to point out that the delegitimation...