Daily Archives: March 17, 2017

Review of “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” 

Journalist David Bedein, who runs the Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research, takes us inside the world of the Palestinian Authority, which Bedein has covered for the past...

Abbas-Greenblatt: combat violence and terror FREE MURDERERS

IMRA: Jason Greenblatt appears to have decided to facilitate Abbas "talking the talk". "President Abbas and Mr. Greenblatt also reaffirmed the U.S. and the Palestinian Authority’s joint determination to combat violence and terrorism." BUT Abbas...

Never a dull moment…writes Michael Kuttner

One of the unique aspects of living in Israel is that there is never a dull moment. Life is definitely not boring here. This country seems to be the centre of the universe if one...

The West has finally woken up

Sometimes it's a good idea to take a step backwards, look at reality from a distance, and see the larger picture, taking in the whole forest rather than just the individual trees. If we attempt to review what...

Why has Iran wrecked its economy to fund war in Syria?

Estimates of Iran’s military expenditure in Syria vary from US$6 billion a year to US$15-US$20 billion a year. That includes US$4 billion of direct costs as well as subsidies for Hezbollah and other Iranian-controlled...

Hezbollah is preparing Syria as second battlefield against Israel

Hezbollah intends to wage its next war against Israel from deep within Syria, according to a report on a pro-Hezbollah news site last week. The report, found on the web site Ya Sour, quoted Hezbollah sources...