Daily Archives: June 14, 2017

Do not “Dismantle” UNRWA; it is not within the scope of possibility. Reform...

Virtually every media ​outlet ​took the UNRWA condemnation of the Hamas tunnels found under an UNRWA school at its word. Yet no media outlet reminded the world that ​the ​UNRWA school teachers' union and...

Why Israel should recognize an independent Kurdistan

In the wake of Iranian aggression across the Middle East region, the most effective strategy that Israel can adopt to counter such a threat is to recognize an independent Kurdistan and to fully support...

Hindu rights activist speaks out against ongoing genocide in Bangladesh

In an exclusive interview, Shipan Kumer Basu, the head of the Hindu Struggle Committee, discussed the ongoing genocide against minorities in Bangladesh and how Sheikh Hasina’s government is cooperating with ISIS. In an exclusive interview...

Rewriting the Six Day War

A Dr. Gabriel Glickman analysis published this week by BESA, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, criticized politicized historians and commentators having taken post-Six Day War statements, some of them carelessly worded, out of...