One of the tragedies of Middle East peace negotiations launched between the government of Israel and the PLO in the 1991 Madrid conference and in the 1993 Oslo summit, was that there was no demand ever made to deNazify the PLO, whose genocidal purpose has never changed, as reflected in current PLO education, whose focus remains the extermination of the Jews. That oversight dooms any prospect for peace in the forseeable future.
Over the past year, the Center for Near East Policy Research, with partial funding from the Simon Wisenthal Center, hired journalists with Phd’s in Islamic Studies to translate all PA schoolbooks taught to 492,000 children in the schools of the UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, funded with a $640 million education budget from 68 nations and…allowed by Israel.
Largest donor is the US, giving $150 million each year to UNRWA education.
For the first time, the new PA curriculum explicitly mentions the fate of six million Jews who live in the country after its “liberation”:
“Expulsion of the usurper (code name for Israel) and extermination of the foreigners’ defeated and scattered remnants”.
This element in PA schoolbooks used by UNRWA sounds the imperative for denazification:
“Let us sing and learn by heart: The Nobles’ Land [Ard al-Kurama’]
[Photograph used of the Old City of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock]
I have sworn! I shall sacrifice my blood
To water the nobles’ land
And I shall remove the usurper [ghaseb] from my country
And shall exterminate [ubid] the foreigners’ scattered remnants [fulul al-ghuraba’]
O land of Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and the sacred place [haram],
O cradle of pride and nobility
Patience, patience, for victory is ours
And dawn will peep out from darkness”
Taken from “Our Beautiful Language”, Grade 3, Part 2 (2016) p. 64
Was DeNazification successfully applied?
Apply the experience With Germany & Japan after World War 2.
Peruse results in Japan, as depicted in the following animated video