Daily Archives: November 7, 2019

Required Changes in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks

Here are clear guidelines for an overhaul in Palestinian curriculum for more than 300 PA Schools which teach  321,000 pupils who live in UNRWA facilities in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem; Avoid De-legitimization of the State...

Jewish NGOs Call UNRWA to Account 

PRESS RELEASE November 7, 2019 From press@icjw.org Jewish NGOs Call UNRWA to Account  Representatives of the International Council of Jewish Women and other Jewish NGOs at the United Nations are demanding that donor nations attach conditions to the...

UNRWA Financial report and audited financial statements -2017, 2018

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Financial report and audited financial statements and Report of the Board of Auditors: For the year ended 31 December 2018 For...