Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator.
Kol HaKavod that you continue to publicize “right of return” as the driving issue of UNRWA to wide coverage in the public domain. I hope that our in coverage on the subject will augment your work.
However, you write in the Spectator that you want to see UNRWA dissolved and handed over to the PA.
Over a period of thirty years, we have researched both possibilities.
Our conclusions:
- UNRWA cannot be dissolved without UNGA consent. To advocate an “end of UNRWA” is a dead end.
- Since August 1, 2000, UNRWA uses PA school books as their only texts in allowed Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem. We have commissioned studies of all 365 PA school books & 109 PA teachers manuals used by UNRWA. Their lethal theme, laced throughout the PA school curriculum: focuses on the “right of return” by force of arms.
In other words, handover of UNRWA to the PA is a dead end.
Although COGAT embraces UNRWA, the time has come to disturb their romance.
Here are two directions for neutralizing UNRWA that can work:
I would more than welcome your response.
David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency