Daily Archives: April 22, 2021

Studie om Israel, judar och fred i den palestinska myndighetens skolböcker som används i...

Introduktion En myndighets skolböcker visar de värderingar ett samhälle vill införa till sina yngre generationer. När de publiceras av en regim - som fallet är i den palestinska myndigheten (PA) - anger de dess långsiktiga politik....

US Resumption Of Foreign Aid To The Palestinians – Analysis

On April 7, 2021, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the Biden Administration’s plan to resume various forms of aid to the Palestinians that had been discontinued under the Trump Administration. Separately in March,...

Soccer on the Mount

Soccer on the Mount, filmed April 21, 2021.

Rattling Israel’s BBC tormentors

A reliable sign that someone has managed to puncture one of the BBC’s doctrinal falsehoods is when an interviewer is sufficiently rattled to keep interrupting that individual by intoning the same false accusation that...