Fatah, which is headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, released a video boasting of carrying out 7,200 terror attacks against Israel in 2022 and criticized Hamas for doing nothing.


SOURCEWorld Israel News


  1. It is impossible to analyze the Israel – Palestinian conflict without understanding that prior to the May 2021 conflict between Hamas and Israel, Mahmoud Abbas cancelled elections that polls indicated would be won by Hamas. This did not go over very well with his people. In order to regain support he and his government announced that Jews were going to occupy the Dome of the Rock and destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque. This is the tried and true formula used by Abbas to assure his people that he and his government are the true defenders of Jerusalem. This incitement resulted in angry mobs throwing rocks and fireworks at Israeli policemen and women. Hamas now appearing weak, began rocketing Israel to regain its role as defender of Jerusalem. Both Hamas and the PA have no illusions about defeating Israel, pretending to defend Jerusalem is how they try to influence Palestinians to support them. No matter how Israel responds, it always comes out as the bad guy so it’s a win win for the Palestinians and a lose lose for rationality and peace.


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