On March 9, 2014, Sha’i ben-Tekoa, DeProgram Program, gave a terrific and important presentation to Children of Holocaust Survivors on his book on the invention of a Palestinian people. There is hardly a person born after 1980 (or earlier) who has any reason to believe that a Palestinian people did not exist in a country called Palestine. That is our fault for enforcing this narrative propaganda that has been the focus of the international community and the cause of the problems and danger faced by Israel. The narrative must be changed and Sha’i ben-Tekoa gives us the tools to do this. All we have to do is – DO IT!
Hired for a special project by the Office of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, Sha’i ben-Tekoa discovered the first United Nations document using the term “Palestinians” as it is used today.

And the date was eye-opening: three years after 1967’s Six-Day War. In his research into the entire UN archive dealing with the Arab war against Israel, he came across no reference to the putatively Paleolithic Palestinian people before 1970.

After completing his assignment for the Government of Israel, Mr. Ben-Tekoa dug deeper into the origins of this heretofore unheard of nationality. The Land of Israel is arguably the most written about real estate in the world over thousands of years in the scores of languages of Crusaders, conquerors, pilgrims and tourists, not one of whom ever wrote or said a word about meeting any “Palestinians” in their time in the Holy Land.

And now Ben-Tekoa has written a book about what he discovered and uncovered: the invention of a phantom nation, the “Palestinian Narrative,” one of the great feats of psychological warfare in the history of Mankind. He shows how it is this generation’s successor ideology to Medieval Christianity, Islam, Nazism and Communism as the current fashion in Jew-hatred a.k.a. an anti-Semitism as old as the hills. To purchase the book now, click on this link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0991…

Sha’i ben-Tekoa was born, raised and educated in the United States. He received a B.A. in Comparative Religion from Columbia University and did graduate work in same at the University of Chicago Divinity School. A traveler in Arab lands, he served in the Yom Kippur War effort of 1973. His articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Midstream, Congress Monthly and other publications. He appeared on American Public Broadcasting’s The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour. In preparation for 1991’s historic Arab-Israeli peace conference in Madrid, he worked on assignment for the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir. Formerly the lead English language commentator for IsraelNationalNews.com, his Internet radio commentary and music program can be heard at www.deprogramprogram.com.


  1. Issa Nakhleh
    [عيسى نخلة]

    (Issa Nakhkeh – 1915-2003: Though born into a Christian Arab family, he was fascinated with Islam, wrote books in favor of Islam, Hadith [in the 1990s and in 2002 self published], and had served the Muslim Congress)


    Defending Arab propaganda center in Nazi Germany (July 1939); at AHC by the Mufti (1946); “Palestine Arab Delegation” (1947-1980s); threatening a 100-year war (Jan-1949); pioneering in Nazi comparisons and going even further… making Nazi atrocities “less” (June 1949); praising Nazi regime (1950s); denying the Holocaust (May-1970, Nov-1972 [- begins also the Khazar-myth-push], Sep-1978, 1981, 1982); working with neo-Nazis for decades (1963-1984); rationalizing Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany (1972); falsifying facts / rewiring history; defending Holocaust denier at trial as serving council for Islamic Congress (1980s); supporting jihad/Intifada.

    * Falastin’s Correspondent in London at least since Jan 1938. He then, (re Partition plan negotiation), “suggested that, when the Commission came to Palestine, the Arabs should refuse to negotiate with them until the exiled leaders had been repatriated . When this was done, and the Arabs appeared before the Commission, they should voice their unswerving opposition to Partition in form.”

    ⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 14 January 1938⁩, p. 2
    “A Gliding Policy.”


    * In July 1939 he defended, justified the “Arab propaganda centre in Berlin,” Nazi Germany.

    ⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 13 July 1939⁩, p. 6.
    “The ‘Settlement’ in Palestine A Triumph For The ‘Axis’ ”


    * 1946, one of the Mufti’s Henchmen, at AHC.

    The Nation. (1947). United States: J.H. Richards, p. 561.

    May 17, 1947.
    “The Mufti’s Henchmen”
    “A Who’s Who”


    * 1947, sent by the Arab League with Akram Zuaiter to agitate in Latin America (Arab lobby).

    Rickenbacher, D. (2020). The Arab League’s Propaganda Campaign in the US Against the Establishment of a Jewish State (1944-1947). Israel Studies 25(1), 1-25. doi:10.2979/israelstudies.25.1.01.


    * In 1951, “Nazi and Arab Influence in Latin America has been discussed. It has been “asserted that Latin America has become the center of the international Nazi movement.” The AJC had “linked the Nazi and Arab communities in Latin America, and pointed out that in some regions this combination was more influential politically and larger numerically than the Jewish communities.”

    Daily News Bulletin (J.T.A.), December 10, 1951.

    “Nazi and Arab Influence in Latin America Discussed.”


    * After Egyptian invasion in 1948, Issa Nakhleh claimed they were invited by Arab Higher Committee for “peace.” Soon after, Egyptian forces began bombing Jewish civilians.

    “Egyptian Invasion Before The U.N. Security Council.”
    The Palestine Post⁩, 16 May 1948.

     “Last tickets, please.”
    Sybil Ehrlich, The Jerusalem Post, Aug 6, 2009.
    …”on May 18, 1948, the bus station was bombed by the Egyptian air force, resulting in 42 persons killed – including four members of the Dan cooperative – and 100 wounded, as well as considerable damage.”

    “Egyptian Air Raid Kills 14 in Tel Aviv.”
    The Palestine Post, July 14, 1948

     “When the Egyptians Bombed Tel Aviv.” Amit Naor, The Librarians, 03.02.2020.
    “An estimated 150 people were killed in the attacks on Tel Aviv…”


    * In Jan 1949 threatened a 100-Year war.

    The Palestine Post⁩, 30 January 1949⁩, p. 3.
    “Nakhleh Threatens 100-Year War”


    * June 1949, pioneering in Nazi comparisons and going even further… making Nazi atrocities “less.”

    …”exceeding[sic]in brutality[sic]” – his Memorandum to the UN June-17-1949.


    * 1952 and on, an office in Argentina

    Israel in the Third World. (1976). United States: Transaction Books, p. 157.

    There he publishes ‘America y Oriente’ from November 20, 1952, “known for its systematical anti-jewish campaign and its glorification of the totalitarian regimes, particularly of the nazi Germany.”

    Anti-Jewish Activities of the Arabs in Argentine – DAIA, 1958.

    Chapter V The Arab League In Argentina.
    ‘The virulence and the deleterious effects of the propaganda campaign managed by “America y Oriente”, caused the DAIA to present July 23,1954, an ample memorandum to the Minister of the Interior, in which it was said that “It has become a custom with Arab publications appearing in Argentina to attack regularly and systematically the Jews living in this country, to whom is thus made extensive the hate against Israel in the Middle fast.”

    Previously, on December 2nd, 1953, in a note addressed to the same ministry, DAIA had drawn the attention to the anti-Jewish campaign of “El Diario Sirio-Libanes”.- In order to furnish a more precise idea about the danger involved in our country by Issa Nakhle’s action, we may add the fact that the Israeli ambassador felt compelled to make a presentation before the Ministry for Foreign Affairs by the end of 1956, in which he drew the attention “to the activities of an organism called “Delegation of the League of Arab States” and of its head, Mr. Issa Nakhle, stressing that by a campaign of instigation to racial and religious hate an attempt is being made to create in the public opinion a feeling contrary to the friendly relations between Argentina and Israel.

    This poisonous agitation, carried out through the despatch of letters and pamphlets profusely distributed in the streets, propagates vicious slander, appealing to the most primitive instincts and attempts to convince the public of the existence of a “world Jewish [sic] plot ..”.

    This propaganda was a direct outgrowth of the one carried out in nazi Germany.

    The presentation also stressed the fact that the person responsible for said campaign pretended to invest diplomatic character and was supposed to carry out a mission of the Syrian government before the Argentine government.

    Issa Nakhle had started his activity in Buenos Aires several years earlier as Press Attache to the Egyptian Embassy, later he was the founder and editor of the journal “America y Oriente”, known for its systematical anti-jewish campaign and its glorification of the totalitarian regimes, particularly of the nazi Germany.

    In August 1956 Issa Nakhle returned to Argentina, after a prolonged trip to the Soviet Union, this time in his character of head of the “Delegation of the League of Arab States”, armed with a diplomatic passport as plenipotentiary minister of the Syrian government.’

    His poisonous magazine, distributed all over Latin America.

    La Nacion Mar 28, 1954 (38).
    Llegó a Costa Rica, el enviado de la Liga de los Estados Unidos

    At those years he was also linked with another Arab from Palestine Hitler fan: Jorge Zurob Sabaj in Chile.

    ‘ “Mundo árabe” magazine , by Arab ‘Palestinian’ Jorge Sabaj Zurob, vile racism.’
    Submitted Jul 29, 2020.


    * In 1961, Nakhleh claimed to be a “refugee..” as he sets up anti-Israel mission at UN (“delegation”)
    The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Aug 4, 1961, p. 5.
    In 1961, Nakhleh claimed to be a “refugee..”

    “Israel At the United Nations.”
    By Saul Carson
    The Canadian Jewish Chronicle (p. 5)

    ‘The Arab propaganda machine has added a new gimmick. An Arab who claims to be
    a Palestinian refugee his name is Issa Nakhleh — announces that he is now the “permanent representative to the United Nations of the Palestine Arab Delegation.” Whom does the “delegation” represent? No ne knows. Who is Mr. Nakhleh? All anone around here knows that he lived for years in Argentina, left Beunos Aires after dictator Juan Peron was kicked out.’


    * His (now set up PAD -) Palestine Arab Delegation sent (October 1961) to all U.N. delegations a formal statement of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declaring: “The enmity of Nazis to Jews was based” om supposed “research.” In August 1961, it adopted the anti-Semitic canard of the Khazar…’

    Congressional Record. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965, p. 15916.
    [July 8, 1965]. [https://books.google.com/books?id=gSuzMtjEDqUC&pg=PA15916]

    “Nasser’s Anti-Jewish Propaganda.”

    Document Type: CREST
    Collection: General CIA Records
    Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP67B00446R000400170011-8 […]
    Publication Date: July 8, 1965

    ‘October 1961: The Palestine Arab Delegation sent to all U.N. delegations a formal statement of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declaring: “The enmity of Nazis to Jews was based on (supposed) well-documented[sic] research [sic] and studies” which showed that the Jews were “a strong factor” in bringing about the defeat of Germany in World War I and dominated[sic] the “political, economic, and professional life of Germany.”

    August 1, 1961: “The Crescent and the Cross,” newsletter of the Palestine Arab Delegation, adopted the anti-Semitic canard of the Khazar…’


    * In 1963, he writes to Canadian Fuehrer, Adrien Arcand.

    ‘Issa Nakhleh, letter to Adrien Arcand, New York, 30 December 1963.’

    Nadeau, J. (2011). The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand. Canada: James Lorimer Limited, Publishers, p. 351. [https://books.google.com/books?id=D630umvXNKoC&pg=PA351]


    * Under his activities, the “Palestinian Arab Delegation” links with neo Nazis exposed in 1967.

    United States Congress, Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the … Congress, U.S. Government Printing Office, vol. 113, pt. 17, 1967,p. 2718.

    ‘August 15, 1967.
    Arab Agitators Meddle in US Politics

    The Palestine Arab Delegation is in fact the local agency of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, an international Arab organization formed at Cairo in 1946, under the chairmanship of the ineffable Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin el-Husseini the same noisome personage who had earlier served as Hitler’s advisor on “the liquidation of the Jewish question.” The Mufti’s committee maintains offices in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq besides its overseas representatives in the United States…
    The Palestine Arab Delegation also maintains relations with the Neo-Nazi National Renaissance Party…
    this “delegation” maintains relations with the most undesirable on the American political scene. Not long ago, its postage meter was used to distribute a mailing of James H. Madole’s National Renaissance Party Bulletin’s publication of a group described in a staff report of the House Un-American Activities Committee as avowedly neo-nazi in character.
    (An earlier issue of the same publication carried the headline: “Adolf Hitler, the George Washington of Europe”).
    Long aricles by this “delegation” have been reprinted in Common Sense The Cross and the Flag…’

    Arab Agitators Meddle in US Politics

    (Worth mentioning, in that year, he typically made a Nazi comparison in a letter to NY Governor not to let B Gurion in, which C&F happily published).


    * In 1968⁨⁨, sent by his mentor, former boss the Mufti to defend Sirhan Sirhan.

    “Justice Department Keeps Watch on Arab Students Group As Sirhan Probe Continues.”
    JTA, June 24, 1968. [https://www.jta.org/archive/justice-department-keeps-watch-on-arab-students-group-as-sirhan-probe-continues]


    * In Feb 1969, he tried the scare tactic of talking of “the possiblity that the WWIII will be touched off.”

    The Evening Independent Feb 5, 1969 (13 B).

    “U.N. Delegate Ruark Guest.”


    * March 7, 1969, where Nakhleh was featured speaker, invitations to the meeting were sent to persons on the mailing lists of supremacists.

    “Facts.” vols 18-22, Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1975, p. 482.



    * In December 1969, at the UN, Nakhleh went on an anti-Semitic tirade about “jew”- singular.

    ⁨⁨The Australian Jewish Times⁩, 4 December 1969⁩.
    “Anti-Semitic Speech At UN.”


    * May 1970, Nakhleh “does his best to revive the somewhat old-fashioned propaganda  — Hitler’s piece de resistance,” denied the Holocaust, while ranting (his style of “Jew” this, that) bizarre fantasies, rewriting history, facts.

    (1970) “Anti‐Zionists” and antisemites, Patterns of Prejudice, 4:4, 28, DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.1970.9968931


    * From an Anti-Defamation League report in 1971, Issa Nakhle spoke to anti-Semitic groups.

    “Facts.” Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1971, p. 425.


    * March 14, 1971, as “head of the Palestinian Arab delegation to the United Nations” he pushes shocking conspiracy theories against Jews in a FL home meeting.

    The Palm Beach Post, March 15, 1971, p. 45.
    The Palm Beach Post, March 17, 1971, p. 3.


    * On November 13, 1972, he openly denies the Holocaust, at the UN.

    The Times from San Mateo, November 14, 1972, p 10.
    ‘Arab Says Hitler Didn’t Kill Jews…. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so called “Palestine Arab Delegation.” addressed the General Assembly’s special political committee…’

    National Lampoon. (1973). United States: (n.p.), p. 18.

    Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, vol. 21, William Samuel & Company Limited, 1972, p. 7.

    Middlesboro Daily News, Nov 14, 1972 (1)


    * ⁨⁨ Promoted Khazar myth (again) – November 1972⁩.

    B’nai B’rith Messenger⁩, 17 November 1972⁩, p. 34.
    “Behind The Scenes”.


    * 1972, he objects Kissinger’s appointment, and went on about his theories, what, he said, Jews (he fantasized and spewed) “did” (supposedly, according to him) in Germany.

    Near East Report. (1972). United States: Near East Research, Incorporated, p. 139.


    * 1978, he denied the Holocaust, in memorandum he sent to Carter & Sadat ahead of Camp David peace acccord he objected to.

    Dalin, D. (2017). Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, p. 120.


    * Active repeated guest at Neo-Nazi gatherings in the 1970s, 1980s, sharing, promoting propaganda.

    (1979) National front reverse, Patterns of Prejudice, 13:2, 26-27, DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.1979.9969498
    “Swedish authorities’ action.”
    ‘… veteran Palestine antisemite, Issa Nakhleh…

    The American Spectator. (1986). United States: American Spectator, p. 20.
    ‘Muslim Congress’s representatives at the symposium was Issa Nakhleh, an attorney who has served as U.N. Observer ..
    The Six Million Reconsidered attempts to prove that the Holocaust never occurred; Antizion, a compendium of anti-Semitic writing, includes a description of Hitler as a “twentieth century statesman” …
    and with the racist West Coast group, Western Front. In 1981 Nakhleh spoke at the Third Annual Convention of the Institute for Historical Review…’

    ‘The Nizkor Project.
    One participant of the 1982 conference was Issa Nakhleh, head of the Palestine Arab Delegation, an extremist pro-PLO group originally formed by the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who broadcast from Nazi Germany to the Arabs in the Middle East. In the US, Nakhleh has associated in recent years with Western Front, an antisemitic organisation’
    ⁨⁨The Australian Jewish Times⁩, 7 April 1983⁩
    “Whitewashing Hitler”

    ⁨⁨The Australian Jewish News (Melbourne)⁩, 7 January 1983⁩.
    “Neo-Nazi Attempts to Rewrite History”

    Seidel, G. (1986). The Holocaust denial : antisemitism, racism & the new right. United Kingdom: Beyond the Pale Collective, p. 28.

    ‘The Holocaust Denial…
    The IHR, in advertising cassettes of its 1982 Conference proceedings offers recordings of the speech given by “Mr. Hadawi, a Palestinian with a long and illustrious diplomatic career.”
    The previous year the conference had been addressed by Mr Issah Nakhleh, who describes himself as “Legal Adviser to the World Muslim Conference”. In 1982, when the Swedish Holocaust- denier, Ditlieb Felderer, was convicted of defaming the Jews, Nakhleh sent at telegram of protest to the Swedish District Attorney.’


    * 1982, had defended Holocaust denier Ditlieb Felderer, as ‘council to the Muslim Congress.’

    Taguieff, P., Neher-Bernheim, R. (1992). Les Protocoles des sages de Sion. France: Berg international, p. 328.
    ..ainsi qu’à l’intervention très significative du président de la Délégation arabe palestinienne aux Nations Unies , également conseiller juridique au Congrès mondial musulman, Issa Nakhleh, auprès du procureur général de Stockholm , Thorsten Jonsson, et demandant à celui – ci par un télégramme officiel la mise en liberté de Ditlieb Felderer..

    Manor, Y. (1984). Anti-Zionism. Israel: Department of Information, World Zionist Organization, p. 20.

    ‘…also the telegram sent by Issa Nakhleh , President of the Palestinian Arab Delegation to the United Nations and Judicial Adviser to the World Muslim Congress, to the Attorney-General of Stockholm…’


    * 1984 Detroit garhering, with an Islamist Hajji Abdullah Ahmad of FIA (Muslim umbrella organization established in 1952) who distributed Holocaust denial literature there, and Nakhleh hailed Father Coughlin and H. Ford’s book.

    The Detroit Jewish News, Aug 3, 1984, p. 14.
    By Alan Abrams, “Lifting the Veil.”


    * 1991 Fourth Annual Conference of the ‘Islamic Committee For Palestine’ (ICP) – calling to send money for Intifada.

    IPT, Khakil Shikaki, Feb 2, 2006.

    ‘A panel discussion at the conference featured Ibrahim al-Wazir, a radical from Yemen; Sheikh Abdel Aziz Odeh, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Jihad; al-Hashemi al-Hamdi, a member of the militant Islamic party An-Nahdah in Tunisia; and propagandist Issa Nakhleh. Al-Wazir made the following statement: “We should not leave this meeting without thinking about what we can do in support of the Intifadah.” Issa Nakhleh, on this same panel, stated, “I suggested to an Arabic country that we send every month ten million dollars to the Intifadah, clandestinely, and I know how to send it…. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, they are the real holy [sic] warriors, to whom we are obliged to support with all our means….” ‘


    * In November 1999, at ‘American Muslims for Jerusalem’ – lobby, which a participant has described as “crudely anti-Jewish,” Nakhleh suggested the illegally lobbying Congress with money that comes from abroad.

    “[American Muslims for Jerusalem: Radical] Islam’s American lobby.”
    D. Pipes, The Jerusalem Post, September 20, 2001.
    …its closed events, AMJ reveals its true colors, purveying precisely the kind of hate that might inspire a suicide hijacker.

    The pattern was set at AMJ’s first major event, a fundraising dinner in November 1999, which one participant has described as “crudely anti-Jewish.” Speakers like Nihad Awad and Abdurahman Alamoudi vied with one another in verbally assaulting the State of Israel and American Jews. In particular, they spun an elaborate conspiracy theory about Jewish [supposed] control[sic]…

    The dinner’s keynote speaker, Issa Nakhleh of the Arab Supreme Council for Palestine… proposed a specific scheme for achieving this goal. By his (fanciful) calculations, the Israel lobby spends $20 million a year to buy members of Congress and have them impose the “Jewish” message on Christians. Arabs and Muslims can easily do better, Nakhleh suggested, by sending fundraising delegations to Saudi Arabia and the emirates. “I am sure you will get $10 million from these two, and Iran will give you $10 million,” thereby surpassing the supposed pro-Israel funding. (Never mind that it is illegal to lobby Congress with money that comes from abroad).

    The evening’s excess of inaccuracy, misunderstanding, conspiracy theorizing, fanaticism, and illegality is all the more noteworthy, because American Muslims for Jerusalem is no fringe outfit but a joint effort sponsored by six of the most powerful American Islamic institutions, including those most often invited to the White House and cited by the media. AMJ itself has won signal victories lobbying such American corporations as Burger King and Disney.

    Ibp, I. (2015). United States: Arab Lobby in the United States Handbook: Organization, Operations, Performance. United States: Int’l Business Publications, USA, p. 45.

    (AMJ – defunct in 2005).

    Nakhleh “promulgates anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at a Chicago conference of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas support group in November of 1999.”

    “Issa Nakhleh, IAP: Audio and Video Clips,” IPT
    ‘Issa Nakhleh, IAP. November 26, 1999.
    Issa Nakhleh, of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine in New York City and a former advisor to the delegation of Arab states of the United Nations, promulgates anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at a Chicago conference of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas support group in November of 1999.
    Nakhleh: My Sisters and Brothers, I am going to address you tonight about the Zionist conspiracy to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa…’


    *His latest known action: 2002, in defending Saudi Arabia against US accusations of kidnapping, Issa Nakhleh went on with his attacks on anything related to… Israel.

    Investigation into abductions of American children to Saudi Arabia: hearings before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, June 12; October 2 and 3; and December 4 and 11, 2002. (2003). United States: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 1581-4.


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