On the fourth day of the war, one can hope that some change is taking shape, stemming partly from a change in Israel’s approach. The shock and paralysis that took hold after the surprise attack by Hamas and its horrific results are apparently beginning to abate.

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  1. The Hamas/ISIS Attack on 7.10.23 occurred as a result of Ariel Sharon ceding Gaza to the Arabs, which was supported by the whole Labor Party, all moral forerunners of Meretz, Labor, and Yesh Atid, as well as other Likud members who joined Ariel Sharon in deviating from the Likud’s official policy.

    When they consented to Sharon turning over Gaza to the Arabs, the Left and the weak “Moderates” did this to Israel.

    This attack and war, as well as all of the previous Hamas attacks and wars, were born on that day, which was selected on Tisha B’Av 2005 and then symbolically delayed by one day.


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