I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government Department of Justice and/or Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport  intend to take to investigate the cover up that prevented the publication of the Balen Report.  Some two and a half years later I still await your response and that of the ministry.  

I have over the last six days listened to, viewed the TV reports, as well read on their web site  the coverage the BBC has provided regarding the POGROM that the terrorist organization  Hamas perpetrated on Israel.  

Firstly, the absolute failure of the journalists, newscasters, international editors to identify  Hamas as terrorists but using terminology as ‘gunmen”, militants and fighters instead of  TERRORISTS depicts anti-Semitic racial bias – for any other people be it bombers in the UK,  USA etc. such actions would be classified as terrorism, the exception being made by the BBC  comes when their aim is to kill Jews in COLD BLOOD.  

The BBC throws up the excuse it is written in their Editorial Guidelines – exactly who wrote  these guidelines and who approved this utter nonsense and why have they not been  rescinded in the last six days. Who failed to take this decision must be the question that the  Secretary of State Department of Culture, Media and Sport must immediately address as well  as Members of Parliament.  

On Tuesday morning on the BBC Radio 4 Today program the BBC International Editor Bowen  was asked by the anchor in Jerusalem, Martha Kearney, to describe the scene at Kfar Aza  but he somehow managed to wiggle out of mentioning the BEHEADINGS of the 40 plus  babies and children and put over his political views of the situation, if he was such an expert  he would be advising the UK government instead of working for the BBC! This is not  acceptable, Bowen has over the decades demonstrated a pro-Arab stance and as such his  reporting is blatantly bias against Israel and Jews. When I heard this broadcast I was utterly  flabbergasted that this man has the temerity to turn around facts and truth. This is all clearly  documented by Camera UK on its web site https://camera-uk.org/2023/10/12/bbcs-bowen 

does-whataboutery-in-kfar-aza/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=es. It is time he was  immediately removed from his post.  

As a former employee of the BBC you are well aware of the workings of the BBC. It would  appear they are more concerned with pacifying the UK and international Islamic population.  

I am aware of the Prime Minister’s views on this but it is totally unsatisfactory for this situation  to continue. Accordingly, I should like to question what immediate steps HM Government  intends to take to rectify the situation given that their reporting incites and is responsible for  enhancing international anti-Semitism.  

Please don’t, as you have often done in the past given me your personal views, as part of  your duty under the Representation of the People Act to your constituents this letter must be  forwarded to the relevant government departments for a response.  

Yours sincerely 

 24 May 2021  

Dr M Offord MP  

House of Commons  


BY Email  

Dear Dr Offord,  

Lord Dyson Report into the Princess Diana Newsnight interview  

Lord Dyson identified serious breaches of honesty within the organization including a cover  up within the upper echelons of the BBC that is extremely disturbing.  

This report covered events some 25 years ago and totally discredits the honesty and integrity  of the BBC and clearly identifies the lengths it has gone to withhold honest disclosure. As  such it indicates that it has been far from objective in its reporting.  

As a result of serious complaints regarding the BBC’s subjective reporting of the Arab – Israel  conflict the organization commissioned the Balen investigation. The corporation, despite it  being publically funded, has refused to disclose the contents of the findings of the 20000 word  investigation into the 2004 Balen Report.  

Given the disclosure contained in the Dyson Report there is clear evidence that there is a  cover up since the corporation refuses to publish the document, making ridiculous claims as  to its “right” to do so. I am aware that you are a former employee of the BBC and may be  aware of some of the inner workings of the organization, particularly within the news gathering  and distribution in respect to the World at One, etc, but the public has the right to know as  Lord Dyson disclosed..  

Under the circumstances prevailing on the basis of the disclosures within the Dyson Report I  should like to enquire what steps HM government Department of Justice and/or Department  of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport intend to take to investigate the cover up that prevented  the publication of the Balen Report.  

Yours sincerely 


  1. Let’s turn what Bowen and the BBC say (and, don’t say) about Hamas and their Jihad on Israel on its head:
    If these unspeakabley barbarous and murderous acts were not committed by terrorists who were they committed by if not by Gaza’s government and its military, its army? Who sent those monsters into Israel last weekend? Whose government planned and organised the massacre of innocent Israeli Jewish citizens? Whose government planned for the taking of over a hundred civilian hostages, not to mention the rapes, the burnings and the beheadings of innocents?

    What other country’s government in all of recorded history could expect to massacre its neighbours, invite massive retribution and have the disingenuous likes of Jeremy Bowen and the BBC question Israel’s right to dispatch them to Hell?

    And, what government other than Hamas would plan for its own citizens to be martyred in the inevitable invasion seeking to end its own murderous belligerence against its neighbouring country?

    I feel sorrow for those ordinary Gazans caught up in all of this and hope and pray most manage to find safety. But, to Hell with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Jeremy Bowen, the BBC and all the other many closet Hamas supporters opposed to Israel’s fundamental right and duty to defend her citizens from what most decent people regard as terrorism.

    God bless Israel and the IDF.

  2. Re Thomas Friedman’s (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/10/opinion/israel-hamas-.html) “Israel Has Never Needed to Be Smarter Than in This Moment,” NYT, Oct. 10, 2023.

    Dear NYT.

    I was reading and reading how Mr. Friedman, strangly, avoided the simple words of: bigotry, racism. How he struggled to explain hatred – leading to murder of ‘any’ Jew.

    Mr. Friedman strangely, avoided the ‘personal’ murders by radical Palestinians, including targeting children, for decades. Surely Mr. Friedman recalls.

    Sanitizing via political gains alone is sticking the head in the sand.
    Mr. Friedman also followed radical Haaretz (look up Nachum Barnea’s lynch test) line of terming “supremacists” exclusively on non-Arabs, in a long campaign of demonizing those that fear racist ant-Jewish terror.

    Question to Mr. Friedman, what if Israel had been a non-Jewish state…?


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