Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, recently became the first US politician to declare that it is appropriate to use the term “genocide” when referring to the current war in Gaza.

Having covered Hamas since its founding in 1988, I would venture to agree with Senator Warren’s observation. However, I would stress that the observation rightly pertains to the actions of Hamas – not to those of the Israel Defence Forces.

In this regard, note that the murderous October 7th attack on 22 Jewish communities was — amongst other obvious characterizations — illogical.

No nationalistic, political or military aspiration could be served by the random killing, torture, rape and kidnapping of Jewish men, women, children, babies and old people.
Senator Warren would do well to look at US law (Title 18 of the USC, Part I, chapter 50A), which defines genocide as:

“Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.”
As the Arab attack deliberately targeted Jews of all ages, the Oct. 7 act qualifies as “genocidal” in intent.
The Israeli military operation in Gaza, regardless of the civilian death toll, cannot be defined as genocidal because there is no genocidal intent. The Israeli government’s goals for the war are the following:

1. Release the hostages.
2. Eradicate the Hamas terror organization.

As such, from a legal point of view, the Israeli war in Gaza is not genocide.

Apparently, Senator Warren failed to read the definition of genocide in US law.

The time has come for Senator Warren to learn about real genocide. Perhaps the quarter-million Jews who live in her state will involve themselves in the education of their Senator, to acquaint her with the lesson recited each Passover: “In every generation, an adversary arises to eradicate our people, yet God saves us them from their hands.”

A case in point; on Friday April 12, a 14-year-old unarmed Jewish shepherd, Binyamin Ahimeir went missing. When his sheep came home before Shabbat without Binyamin, his mother appeared on Israel radio and appealed for everyone to pray for her son. A few hours later, Binyamin was found dead, stabbed in all parts of his body. PBC radio, the VOICE OF PALESTINE, announced the execution of a Jew who intruded into Palestinian grazing land. If Binyamin’s kiĺlers are apprehended, PA law provides a salary for life for anyone who kills a Jew. That law was passed by the PA in August, 2015. This is that law:

Incentivizing Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families



  1. Genocide: The Senator Warren and many students and other groups Want genicide of Arabs, because that is their wish in their heart. And so they will it, but only by protesting too much. And in turn the Arab terrorists are aiming to target all white folks and any US person and all no moskem Arabs to wipe them out.Genocide is each grouos wish on the other. wait watch see

  2. Well actually she os right. However the perpetrators of the war are those who have continued this battle is Hamas and they should be accused and ultimatly convicted of the crime of genocide.


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David Bedein
David Bedein is an MSW community organizer and an investigative journalist.   In 1987, Bedein established the Israel Resource News Agency at Beit Agron to accompany foreign journalists in their coverage of Israel, to balance the media lobbies established by the PLO and their allies.   Mr. Bedein has reported for news outlets such as CNN Radio, Makor Rishon, Philadelphia Inquirer, Los Angeles Times, BBC and The Jerusalem Post, For four years, Mr. Bedein acted as the Middle East correspondent for The Philadelphia Bulletin, writing 1,062 articles until the newspaper ceased operation in 2010. Bedein has covered breaking Middle East negotiations in Oslo, Ottawa, Shepherdstown, The Wye Plantation, Annapolis, Geneva, Nicosia, Washington, D.C., London, Bonn, and Vienna. Bedein has overseen investigative studies of the Palestinian Authority, the Expulsion Process from Gush Katif and Samaria, The Peres Center for Peace, Peace Now, The International Center for Economic Cooperation of Yossi Beilin, the ISM, Adalah, and the New Israel Fund.   Since 2005, Bedein has also served as Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research.   A focus of the center's investigations is The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). In that context, Bedein authored Roadblock to Peace: How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict - UNRWA Policies Reconsidered, which caps Bedein's 28 years of investigations of UNRWA. The Center for Near East Policy Research has been instrumental in reaching elected officials, decision makers and journalists, commissioning studies, reports, news stories and films. In 2009, the center began decided to produce short movies, in addition to monographs, to film every aspect of UNRWA education in a clear and cogent fashion.   The center has so far produced seven short documentary pieces n UNRWA which have received international acclaim and recognition, showing how which UNRWA promotes anti-Semitism and incitement to violence in their education'   In sum, Bedein has pioneered The UNRWA Reform Initiative, a strategy which calls for donor nations to insist on reasonable reforms of UNRWA. Bedein and his team of experts provide timely briefings to members to legislative bodies world wide, bringing the results of his investigations to donor nations, while demanding reforms based on transparency, refugee resettlement and the demand that terrorists be removed from the UNRWA schools and UNRWA payroll.   Bedein's work can be found at: and A new site,, will be launched very soon.