Monthly Archives: June 2024

The Dead Sea Museum launches an unprecedented series of NFTs

 The Dead Sea Dead Sea Museum, an art museum to be built in Arad, has launched its first NFT collection of sea photos. The project was led by environmental and artistic activist Noam Bedein, founder of  the...

15 minute compilation of our movies which weshall present for the legislative bodies of...

15 minute compilation of our movies which we shall present for the legislative bodies of UNRWA donor nations and the Knesset. People do  not have the patience to wade through 20 movies to discern evidence of incitement...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in UNRWA Schools in...

Introduction The schoolbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority (PA) are mandatorily used in all areas of Judea, Samaria, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem (In schools that follow the PA curriculum) – in government,...