Since her inauguration on Jauary 2, 2023, Philadelphia Mayor Parker has  transformed Philadelphia City Hall into ‘City Caliphate’ as can be seen by the photo below which was gleefully  posted by CAIR yesterday.
Parker’s latest “Interfaith RoundTables” Initiative is a Muslim dominated Da’wa push.
Please see the Weblog posting below on MIM.
The Interfaith RoundTables are being spearheaded by ‘Interfaith Philadelphia’ whose board Director is Imam Quaiser Abdullah. On March 7, 2024 Imam Abdullah was appointed by Parker to be the first “Director of Muslim Engagement”.
My new website posting extensively documents Abdullah’s Islamosupremacist agenda from his Quba Institute mosque ,assistant professorial position at Temple U’s ironically named ‘Department Of Communications and Social Influence’ Ge is also the Faculty Advisor to the Muslim Student Association whose members are also part of the Students For Justice In Palestine a Hamas funded campus jihad group.
Needless to say the pro jihad and Jew hating Muslim groups and individuals who are now making policy in the city of Philadelphia present a clear and present danger to all of our personal and national security. They are part of the worldwide jihad both stealth and kinetic.
This Islamic takeover of City Hall is a textbook study of the workings of ‘stealth jihad’. These Islamosupremacists openly declare that their intent is to replace the Constitution with the Koran.
Their aim is to promote Islam by infiltrating every institution aided by their left wing  allies (The Red – Green Alliance) under the guise of ‘diversity, inclusion
social justice, tolerance,interfaith understanding etc.
One way to combat the stealth jihad is to question the constitutionality of the Faith Based ‘Interfaith RoundTables’ Initiatives and the obvious breaches of the  Establishment Clause – Separation of Church and State by the Philly Mayor and city officials vis a vis Muslims.
Challenging the constitutionality of the official appointment of Imam Quaiser Abdullah as “Director of Muslim Engagement” could be a start. 
‘Conflict of interests’ is another issue.
“***“The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another.”***”
Muslim Groups like CAIR/Hamas and Emgage openly declare that their aim is Islamic domination by making Islam the world religion and imposing Shariah law.
Please read the biographies of all the Muslims on the Interfaith Philadelphia website who are also participating in Mayor Parkers’ new ‘Interfaith RoundTables’ initiative to see documentation and indisputable proof of their pro jihad and Jew hating agenda. Their stated  goal as stealth jihadists is Da’wa not Dialogue.
The bios and relevant information can be seen on my website.
To date it appears that the Islamic takeover of City Hall is going unchallenged.
Yesterday’s ‘Muslim City Hall Day’ organized by CAIR and Emgage shows they are becoming increasingly brazen as has the jihad movement worldwide.
(Photo below)
CAIR is Hamas. They and their fellow jihadists and allies must be exposed,called out and closed down because they are threats to national security.
We should all work together to stop the ongoing Islamization of Philadelphia City Hall and by extension the pro terror mobs on Philadelphia’s streets and campuses who are rampaging and disrupting society with impunity under the guise of ‘protest’.
Please contact me for any further information.
Philly Mayor Launches”Interfaith RoundTables” At ‘Caliphate Hall’ Lead By Imam Quaiser Abdullah ‘To Solve City’s Problems’

July 8, 2024

MIM: The relentless ‘stealth jihad’ aimed at turning City Hall into the City Caliphate and replace the Constitution with the Koran is being spearheaded by CAIR and Emgage. They are aided and abetted by Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker who was endorsed by both groups who delivered the Muslim vote to her.

According to CAIR/Hamas and Emgage:

“As Muslim Philadelphians we must continue to show up especially at the local level to ensure that our needs are met.”

MIM:A photo of the “Muslim City Hall Day” today ( 7/8/2024) on the Facebook page of The Council On American Relations (a front group for Hamas) and their allies Emgage who were welcomed at’ ‘Caliphate Hall’ to press for their Islamosupremacist agenda and “ensure that our needs are met”.

May be an image of 10 people, dais and text

MIM: Imam Dr. Quaiser Abdullah,The Board Chair of Interfaith Philadelphia is also the new “Director of Muslim Engagement’ a unique and ‘special’ position created by Mayor Cherelle Parker as a quid pro quo for the endorsements she received from the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR a Hamas front group) and Emgage the’Political Action Committee’ of CAIR which both promote the Islamic takeover of America by funding and pushing the elections of Sharia observant pro jihad and Jew hating Muslims to public office in an effort to replace the Constitution with the Koran.

The Musllim members of ‘Interfaith Philadelphia’ are also members of Sharia compliant pro jihad and Jew hating groups which include The Council On American Islamic Relations, The Muslim Students Association and The Interfaith Youth Core.

An example of Dawah as Dialogue was revealed by an Imam and member of the Interfaith Philadelphia organisation who is a participant in Mayor Parkers’s ‘Interfaith Roundtables’.

In a 2016 article telling Muslims why they have an obligation to vote ‘en masse’ under the rubriek “The Ballot or the Bullet”?Imam Daoud Mikal Muslim Shabazz declared the quiet part out loud and cited he sucessful Muslim push by Councilman Curtis Jones, CAIR and other pro jihad groups to have the Islamic observances of Eid al Fitra and Eid al Adha declared holidays for everyone by the School District of Philadelphia he wrote: 

“…One small example of the benefits of Muslims’ political involvement in the School District of Philadelphia …where everyone, students, teachers faculty and administrators will have those days off to celebrate Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha.

***Not only do the Muslims within the school district benefit, but there is a corrresponding Dawah process that inevitably occurs.”… ***

Imam Daood Mikal Muslim Shabazz of Masjid Masjidullah aka ‘The Center For Human Excellence’ , member of Interfaith Philadelphia and participant in Mayor Parkers’ ‘Interfaith Roundtables’ Intiative.