Today Hezbollah launched a rocket attack on the Golan Heights that killed ten Israelis — mostly children — with many more citizens injured in the mostly Druze town of Majdal Shams. Iran is closing the ring on Israel. Missing from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to the joint session of Congress this week is any articulation of a grand strategy to deal with the Iranian threat.

Gadi Taub is an Israeli historian, author, and commentator known for his political and cultural criticism. He writes frequently for Tablet. I sought to introduce him to Power Line readers in this post and a few others. A faculty member at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he is a man after my own heart.

The video below was posted by Quillette and seems to constitute an excerpt of a longer interview by Pamela Paresky. In the video Taub provides a compelling view of the big picture in which today’s Hezbollah attack fits. I think this 10-minute excerpt is well worth your time.