Monthly Archives: August 2024

Chicago and other charades

As a non-American, I am always astounded when every four years millions of dollars are spent in hosting Hollywood style political extravaganzas. One would have thought that by now a much better and more intelligent...

We Are Wanted Back Home!

Parashat Re’eh Sometimes reading a verse in the Torah triggers off an unexpected association. In this week’s Parasha, we are told that we are G-d’s children - “Banim Atem La’shem Elokeichem” – this lofty ‘Yichus’,...

UNRWA Research Update

1. New movie, which will be on line as of Sept. 1. 2024 UNRWA AT WAR;  English Version:   Hebrew Ver 2. New Study; Terror use of UNRWA facilities at a time of war.
Image: United Nations/ X

The UN continues to ignore Israeli victims of terrorism

In the entrance hall to the United Nations in New York, there’s a passageway where all visitors pass through. Along the walls, there’s an exhibition reminding those visitors of the victims of terrorist attacks...

Hate Waves

Climatologists insist that the world is probably experiencing an increase in temperatures with frequent bouts of heat waves. Climate sceptics maintain that periodic warming and cooling cycles have always existed and that the current heat...

Providence Shines Upon Israel

“It is a land that HaShem your G-d seeks out constantly (Doresh Otah), the eyes of HaShem your G-d are upon it from the beginning of the year until its end” (Devarim11:12). Rabbeinu B'chayei...

Gaza War

Qatar takes part in Arab meet on Gaza education sector’s urgent needs

Qatar is participating in the two-day emergency meeting of the Palestine Children Educational Affairs Council held in the Arab League's Secretariat-General here, which began on Sunday. The meeting aims to address the formidable challenges and...

Dr. Ron Schleifer: ‘Israel must fight back against psychological warfare’

Dr. Ron Schleifer, a lecturer at Ariel University and an author of numerous books on psychological warfare, spoke with Arutz Sheva - Israel National News about the mental effects the threats from Hezbollah and Iran are having on...