Monthly Archives: September 2024

Kamala Harris’ new consultant: ‘Zionists control much of American politics’

In the complex landscape of U.S. politics, where alliances often shift like the sands of the desert, Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign has found itself navigating turbulent waters once again. The latest stir comes from...

Israel faces unavoidable showdown with Hezbollah

Despite a series of severe blows, Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah show no signs of backing down. Instead, the group appears more determined than ever to demonstrate its resilience and capability to strike...

Nazism at Columbia University

Columbia university activist Mahmoud Khalil is calling for more pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests this fall.  Perhaps he has been buoyed by the success he enjoyed as lead negotiator for campus protesters last April.  Maybe he has been further encouraged...

Praying for Our Leaders

Life is full of transitions; the world is in constant flux. As we are in the middle of the Yomim Norai’im, with ROSH HASHANAH almost upon us, it is natural to think of our own personal destiny, as well as...

It’s On: Hezbollah Fires at Samaria, Akko, Haifa, Galilee, Golan Heights

Welcome to the Third Lebanon War, readers. The Israeli government has not yet declared it officially, but it is clear we’re already there. Israeli forces launched a massive wave of airstrikes Monday against Hezbollah targets...

Israel is quite right to pre-empt an onslaught, and act accordingly

Amid the drama of Israel’s devastating booby traps and precision air strikes against Hezbollah, it is easy to lose sight of what is really at stake. With ex-diplomats and academic experts filling the airwaves with...

Fatah’s military arm claims shooting on Gush Etzion community

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades , the military arm of the Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, claimed responsibility for a shooting attack on the community of Carmei Tzur in Gush...

UNRWA demands immunity for employees implicated in October 7th massacre

In an official document submitted to the US court, the UN, backed by the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre be granted immunity from prosecution. A...

Questions for US Presidential and Congressional Candidates concerning a Proposed Two-State Solution

1. Will you demand that that the Palestinians finally ratify the "Declaration of Principles for Peace" signed on the White House lawn in 1993? 2. Will you demand that the Palestinians finally cancel their charter...

Hezbollah Pager Operation. A few personal thoughts.