Daily Archives: September 20, 2024

Hezbollah Pager Operation. A few personal thoughts.


Finland’s president defends decisions to buy Israeli arms, not recognise Palestinian state

HELSINKI, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Finland's President Alexander Stubb defended his country's decision to buy arms from Israel despite the war in Gaza, saying it had no link to Finland's unwillingness to recognise an independent...

The Epic Attack on Hizbullah Terrorists across Lebanon

An ingenious and unprecedented attack against thousands of operatives of the Hizbullah terrorist organization using exploding pagers was carried out in a dozen Hizbullah centers in Lebanon. Israel is preparing for the organization’s revenge...

Washington’s View of Gaza Truce Does Not Align with Israel’s Security Interests

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The US has spent months trying to pressure Israel into a long-term ceasefire with Hamas that would serve American interests by reducing the danger of regional war that could drag in the...

Israel’s bravery has exposed the lie at the heart of Starmer’s foreign policy

Robbed of its moral bearings, bereft of any sense of right and wrong, incapable of distinguishing heroes from villains, the West can no longer celebrate when good triumphs over evil... Read More

If Ukraine must be allowed to fight, why isn’t Israel?

I’ve been watching a brilliant documentary on BBC2, The Zelensky Story. If you’ve not seen it, I recommend you search it out on iPlayer. Apart from anything else, the archive footage of his early years is...


Early this past Sunday morning, I was looking at the news headlines and reading the latest wretched pontifications from Blinken and Lammy. They were reported as once again professing their “support” for Israel but, in...

They Shall Fear Our Devotion

Many years ago I was on a student train crossing Western Europe en-route to Eretz Yisrael. After searching unsuccessfully for a deserted spot on the train where I could put on Tefillin and daven,...

Daniel Levy | Anatomy of an enemy of Israel
