Prime Minister Netanyahu,

You will jeopardize the planned coordinated attack on Fordow and Natanz if
this Saturday, all hell does not break loose if all – and I mean ALL- the
hostages aren’t released by Hamas.

It is as simple as that.

As someone who was in Mr. Trump’s doghouse for years for congratulating
Biden on his victory, you know what you are facing.

And I don’t need to remind you of Mr. Trump’s disdain for your sluggish
operations over the course of almost a year after October 7th.

If you embarrass President Trump on Saturday, you will be the first world
leader to publicly show your behind to this President of the United States
of America.

The plans we have to destroy Fordow and Natanz apparently hinge on various
forms of American participation.

The Americans won’t be dropping bombs, but they will be doing a lot more
than cheering from the bleachers.

If you cross Trump on Saturday, he won’t be game for cooperating in such an

And he can explain to the Israel supporters on his team: “I don’t think Bibi
has the balls to really pull off the operation -h e will call it off at the
last minute, and I will look like a fool when the press gets wind of the
preparations I authorized our forces to carry out.”

Mr. Netanyahu, for years you have been whispering “Iran” to people to
explain why we can’t do this, that, or the other.

So this time, I’m not going to whisper “Iran” – I am going to shout it out:


This isn’t politics.

A nuclear Iran is definitely an existential threat to the Jewish State.

Don’t screw up this Saturday.