I have been involved with Jonathan Pollard for almost 30 years.

There is no need to discuss his case, you are familiar with it.

In fact, much of what I am writing, you may be familiar with; I write it so that if you want to forward my email to family, friends and business associates,
the information is clear.

Since his release in November 2015, we, thanks to caring individuals, like yourself, have taken responsibility for the Pollard’s (Jonathan and his wife Esther) living and medical expenses. No one else is assisting Jonathan.

We sponsor their rent, a small one bedroom apartment in Manhattan, utilities, basic medications, food, clothing, odds and ends, which cost about $7000 per month, for a total of about $84,000 per year.

Jonathan turned 66 this summer.

He has no Medicare, his 30 years in prison do not count towards the requirement of work credits. Until he turned 65, Jonathan was insured, as an indigent, by the state mandated Fidelis insurance, limited and restrictive as it was.

He now has Medicaid, but it is very limited in what it pays.

He still has issues with his legs and back, results of his 30 year incarceration.

Thank G-d for good doctors who care and treat him, but there are still out of pocket costs for procedures, X-rays, medications, etc.

Esther had a serious return of her breast cancer. Her first bout was about 20 years ago. This cancer had spread to her bones. Per her doctor’s advise she started chemotherapy about a year ago.

Esther is under the care of well known cancer doctors, who are donating their services.

However, the numerous chemotherapy and associated drugs are very expensive.

She needs to receive the serious chemotherapy, indefinitely, every 3 weeks.

She has no health insurance; she is a Canadian and an Israeli citizen, not American.

We have promised Jonathan and Esther that Esther’s required medical care will not be dictated by money; she needs the best medical care.

We need to raise $250,000 for their living and medical expenses for the next 12-15 months. We are doing this quietly, in order to protect their privacy and integrity.

Tax deductible checks can be made out to

American Coalition For Missing Israeli Soldiers
c/o Pesach Lerner
567 Cedarhill Road
Far Rockaway, NY 11691

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 917-209-8204.

Wishing us all a healthy, successful new year,
Chag Sameach


  1. David,
    It is now time we demand that the government of Israel secure Pollard’s release to come to Israel.
    For far too long the Israeli Prime Minister has given in to the successive USA presidents from the liar Clinton to Trump over Pollard and has given away out heartland sovereignty to sign agreements with Arab states at the behest of the USA without ensuring Pollard is permitted to come to Israel. He had his opportunity last month at the White House but he FAILED. Now we need to put immense pressure on him to secure the total release so that the Pollard’s can be treated in Israel.
    We have to lay part of the blame on the religious leaders, both here in Israel and in the USA, the latter in particular who had to “recite afternoon prayer” on the White House lawn but did nothing for Pollard over the years. The same can be said of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate who would rather conveniently forget him but issue Psak Din against the use of Zoom on Leil Seder so that families could NOT join with each other – their hypocrisy is beyond contempt


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