The PLO is the first entity in history to have enacted legislation that grants a gratuity to anyone who murders a Jew.
The PLO murder incentives are granted to the killer and to his/her family, for life.
The PLO stands by its constitutive purpose: to conquer “Palestine” and kill Jews.
The PLO never ratified the Oslo Accord Declaration of Principles.
Few people grasp this reality, except for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
The time has come to give voice to those whose loved ones have been murdered by Arabs, only to witness the PLO remunerate the killers.
In the era of Zoom communication, families who have experienced such trauma can now enter every living room, and
confront policy-makers around the world.
Fees for these killers are funded by governments across the globe.
That includes Israel.
The time has come to put a human face on murder.
Cover costs of Zoom technicians to take care of logistics.
Cover costs of promoting Zoom with those who eat their hearts out, knowing that those who slayed their loved one is being funded for the rest of their lives.
In exactly two months, a new US administration will assume power.
By January 21, 2021, we must make sure that the faces of murder are evident, so that no government can again blindly endorse funds for murder.
Did we say never again?