The Rebbe understood that the existential threat to Israel constitutes a matter of “Pikuach Nefesh.” In that context, the time has come to engage in a “Pikuach Nefesh” campaign and adopt a strategic approach to fight the PA, now funded by 135 nations, including Israel. The “Pikuach Nefesh” campaign will address:

 Six Threats to Jewish lives: 

  1. Pay-for-Slay Legislation

The PA has adopted an unprecedented law to provide a salary for life to anyone who murders a Jew, or a payment in perpetuity to the family of anyone killed in the process of murdering a Jew.

  1. Indoctrination on PA TV, PA Radio and PA Social Media

PA media, known as the PBC, operating on Israel-owned frequencies, focus on programs that incite Arabs to wage war on Jews.

  1. PA Schools of war

PA schools, operating with the sanction of the Israel Civil Administration, have adopted a curriculum to indoctrinate a new generation to wage war on Jews. 

  1. The PSF – Palestinian Security Forces trained by Israel

PA armed forces, The PSF, trained by IDF, have now turned on the Jewish state.

  1. UNRWA

UNRWA oversees 6.7 million descendants of Arab refugees stuck in 59 refugee camps since 1948 — under the lethal premise of “The Right of Return by Force of Arms”, without any plan to replace “temporary” refugee camps with communities dedicated to UN principles of peace.

  1. COGAT- The Israel Civil Administration

Cogat, instead of representing Israel’s interests in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, supports Arabs who build anywhere, regardless of constraints under the law.

COGAT facilitates Pay-to-Slay, PBC, PA schools of war, PSF & UNRWA 

PROJECT: PIKUACH NEFESH ALERT, to be produced in multiple languages, to address these six challenges which threaten the lives of Jews, with a flow of facts and films, with one goal in mind: to mobilize public opinion & policy makers to save Jewish lives.

In Hebrew: