David Bedein
Responding to Editorial in Editor And Publisher Which Lambasted Israel for Bombing Beirut
As the bureau chief of a news agency that helps reporters cover both Israel and Lebanon, I am surprised that Greg Mitchell neglects to...
How to Defeat Hezbullah: Hold Syria Accountable
This war is unique in the history of Israel's wars.
Contrary to other wars, the enemy on the other side of the border is not...
U.S. Quietly Encourages Israeli Operation
The authoritative Middle East News Line has confirmed that the United States has been quietly encouraging Israel's assault on Hizbullah.
Officials said the Bush administration,...
New York Times decision to feature a morgue of dead Lebanese civilians on the...
From my perspective as a trained social work professional who works in the media, it was both shocking and inappropriate to see how the...
Analysis: Does The Bush Administration Constrain Israel?
The Hizbullah has launched a war of extermination against the Jewish people in the land of Israel.
Yet in terms of US policy, the question...
The Three Factors Responsible for Today’s War in the North and South
There are three factors that have caused today's war on the northern and southern front of Israel:
The US Government Obsession with the "1967 Lines",...
Freeing Killers: A Price Too High to Pay to Free a Captured Soldier
This is not a popular piece to write.
Noam Shalit, father of Gilad, the abducted soldier, has been quoted today in HaAretz and the Voice...
Pink Flawed or Pink Fraud?
Among the thousands of people who crowded the Neveh Shalom?s wide open fields to hear Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, you could discern...
Remembering Dr. Joseph Lerner, who passed away last month at the age of 84
This is not a eulogy. The last thing that Joe Lerner would have wanted would have been a eulogy. I can almost Joe Lerner...
Unforeseen Consequences of Olmert Handing Over US Weapons to an Organizations Placed on the...
Israel's government last week provided American-made weapons, including hundreds of M-16 automatic machine guns, to the Fatah organization in Gaza. It did so despite...