David Bedein
P.A. Accountability
While the US Congress deliberates over whether or not to comply with the request of President Clinton to grant an additional $400M to the...
Analysis: The Isaiah Award to Arafat
Our news agency, which covers the Palestinian Authority and the peace process, has been informed by the Palestinian Authority that the United Jewish Communities...
Incitement: The Missing Element in the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum*
The agreement signed between Israel and the PLO on Sept. 4th, 1999 was different in one significant way from the Oslo accords that were...
David Bedein’s Response to Rabbi Asherman
Dear Rav Arik,
I am more than pleased to publish your reponse to my piece.
In terms of my response to you, please know that it...
Clinton and the Right of Return
On July 1, 1999, President Clinton stated that American policy was that Palestinians have a right to live "wherever they would like to live".
Why Ehud Barak Did Not Visit the Etzion Settlements
On Thursday, May 13, 1999, Ehud Barak had scheduled to the Etzion communities, south of Bethlehem, a settlement area that had once been thought...
From Bastion of Balance to Defamation of Israel
As a matter of policy, ADL's office in Jerusalem had always fought to cope with any media coverage of Israel that would reflect any...
Hezbollah Takes Another Step Toward Jerusalem
Last Monday, the South Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah, funded and armed by Syria and Iran, set off a roadside bomb that killed an Israeli...
King Hussein: A Security Asset – But No Friend
King Hussein of Jordan will go down in history as a security asset to the US, Great Britain, and, in his final years, to...
Letter to an Editor
The Israeli district judge's Dec. 30, 1998, decision that recognized Conservative and Reform conversions does not address itself to the divisions between the non-Orthodox...