David Bedein
Let My People Know
US is a prime funder of UNRWA education. Therefore US Congress conducted its first GAO study of new PA texts used in UNRWA schools Yet...
Summary of April 17 2018 Mtg with Advisor at US Mission to the UN
It was good to see you this week, following lectures that our agency, which focuses its energies on UNRWA (1), provided for the public concerning...
Will State Department prevent publication of the GAO investigation of PA texts taught in...
Dr. Anthony Harper, a journalist and constituent of Sen. James Risch (R-IDAHO), the chairman of the US Senate Near East Subcommittee of the Senate...
Gulf-Stater Och Gaza UNRWA-Utbildning
UAE (United Arab Emirates) sponsrar öppet UNRWA-skolor i Gaza, som är verksamma under Hamas fullständiga kontroll, tillhandahåller militär utbildning för UNRWA-studenter och en läroplan...
Let My People Know. A message for the Pesach Seder
Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research
US is primary funder of UNRWA education. Israel supports UNRWA schools.
Give feedback to the...
Director of UNRWA operations in Gaza s voiced UNRWA’s support for “The March of...
March 28, 2018
Mr. Darko Mocibob
Deputy Director, Middle East and West Asia Division
Department of Political Affairs
S– 2430 New York, NY 10017
Dear Mr. Mocibob,
On the "Quds...
Migrant workers in Israel – The inside story
Well meaning activists established a seminar center north of Eilat in 2011 to counsel migrants from Africa who worked illegally in Eilat hotels and...
Why does the US continue to fund UNRWA schools?
On January 1, 2018 UNRWA incorporated a new set of school books to educate a new generation of half a million children who live...
UNRWA’s textbooks
Marcus Sheff’s “Time for UNRWA to face the truth about its textbooks” (Comment & Features, February 18) is correct in its findings that UNRWA...
PBS Run Amok: Promoting UNRWA as an agency with no indiscretions
This is the John Yang PBS Interview with Scott Anderson, UNRWA Director of Operations, on Feb. 19, 2018
We have offered to meet PBS...