David Bedein
United Arab Emirates ger idag öppet till UNRWA-skolor i Gaza
UAE, United Arab Emirates, (Förenade Arabemiraten)ger idag öppet till UNRWA-skolor i Gaza, som är verksamma under Hamas fullständiga kontroll, tillhandahåller militär utbildning för UNRWA-studenter...
No vetting of Textbooks Exists in Jerusalem Arab schools, Located in Sovereign Israel
I was present in the Knesset Education Committee on jan 30, 2017 when that Knesset committee sent an urgent directive to the Jerusalem Municipality...
The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently
The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows.
Why did the US suspend...
Our agency retains local professional journalists who cover UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, who have worked with us for more than...
Ask Germany it will continue to fund UNRWA war curriculum
On January 31, 2018, an associate of the Center for Near East Policy Research chanded the war curriculum used in UNRWA schools to Chancellor...
Germany is now the third largest funder of UNRWA
Germany is now the third largest funder of UNRWA, whose schools now indoctrinates every UNRWA student to liberate all of Palestine in the name...
How to contact the US Congress in an effective manner on behalf of Israel:
The US has taken a leading role in promoting peace in the Middle East.
In contrast to the US policy of advocacy for peace, the...
Seeking people who will be liasons to the following legislative bodies
In order to bring our research on UNRWA and PA anti-semitism to the attention of foreign governments, we ask people from their native lands to...
Reporters Diary, 2011-2014: When Israel was swamped with MIGRANT WORKERS – Not with Asylum...
May 1, 2012: The worker’s holiday. Placards were distributed that day by Israel’s National Labor Federation, the Histadrut, which called on workers in Israel...
A call to bring the facts to the UK about UNRWA
The British government has announced that it will renew funds to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
The UK has not placed any...