Michael Kuttner


Cone of Silence Envelopes Media & Politicians

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/cone-of-silence-envelopes-media-politicians/31443 As reported by the Director of the Israel Resource News Agency, David Bedein, the much vaunted “moderate” and erstwhile “peace partner”, Mahmoud Abbas, gave...

Election Fever takes Hold

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/election-fever-takes-hold/31365#more-31365 At last count there were at least 40 parties participating in this basic exercise in democracy. People unfamiliar with the Israeli scene always...

Election Fever takes Hold

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/election-fever-takes-hold/31365#more-31365 At last count there were at least 40 parties participating in this basic exercise in democracy. People unfamiliar with the Israeli scene always...

Remember, remember the fifth of November

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/remember-remember-the-fifth-of-november/29590 Money in those post war years was not as plentiful as today and therefore “a penny for the guy” was seen and heard...


http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2844&sec=1&title=PROPAGANDA_MASQUERADING_AS_AN_INTERVIEW Editor's note: In this aritcle below Michael Kuttner challenges the quality of an interview done by a journalist from Media line of Palestinain Munib...

How to make an ass of a story

As part of the annual seasonal ill will media reporting about Israel which seems to occur prior to Christmas, the New Zealand Herald published...