​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

Exposed: IDF Civil Administration Leaks, Corruption, End in Murder

After hundreds of hours of painstaking documentation, the ‘Ad Kan’ nonprofit organization said in a blockbuster investigation together with Israel’s Channel 13 television news...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Statement by the Prime Minister of Israel on the eve of Passover

On March 26, 2021, on the eve of Passover, Israeli  Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu said: Only 80 years ago! The Jews were taken to slaughter like sheep. 73 years...

The Palestinian Authority’s Financial Support for Terrorism Circumvents U.S. and Israeli Law

The Palestinian government has decided to pay grants to terrorists and their families through the Palestinian postal banks to circumvent the Israeli prohibition on...

Our updated letter to all UNRWA donor nations

Letter sent to each UNRWA donor nation: https://israelbehindthenews.com/2021/02/10/unrwa-donor-nations-2020/ March 29, 2021 The Hon. Last month, the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research gave its sixth briefing in...

An Open Letter to Tom Friedman From the UAE

Mr. Thomas Friedman, in your March 2 New York Times op-ed—“Jumping Jehoshaphat! Have You Seen How Many Israelis Just Visited The U.A.E?”—you say that you have...

Passover seder’s takeaways speak to the woke divide

This Saturday night in the midst of the loosening COVID-19 pandemic and the tightening of America’s cancel culture pandemic, Jewish families will celebrate the...

BDS Activism Can Disqualify from Winning the Israel Prize: Oded Goldreich as a Case...

Editorial Note Prof. Oded Goldreich from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Weizmann Institute was a candidate for the prestigious Israel Prize. However, Yoav...

Interviewed by Palestinian TV, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki revealed the Palestinians’ relations with...

Overview Two interviews given by senior Palestinian figures shed more light on the special relationship between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatou Bensouda, the...

From Israel: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum!!

A harsh indictment of America, I realize, but one much deserved. I have watched, aghast and pained, as US citizens have caved in large...

Miracles: A Zoom lecture about Passover during the Holocaust

Passover is the holiday in which we remember and relate to or children, the great miracles that God had bestowed upon our people, leading...