​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

Antisemitism of UNRWA discussed in four languages

On January 26 and 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day,the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research conducted zoom seminars in Hebrew , English, German,...

Loss of our ally in the Israel intelligence community

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Colonel (Ret.) Dr. Reuven Erlich on Friday, January 29, 2020.

UNRWA – Transparensrapport

Under de senaste åtta månaderna har UNRWA,(United Nations Relief and Works Agency), som betjänar fem miljoner människor, publicerat dagliga pressmeddelanden där de säger till...

The Free Zionist eBook – By Dry Bones

Download "The Zionists" in PDF, eBook by Dry Bones, click here.

Terror victim’s widower wants France to know how PA uses donations

Approximately a month ago, Tal Menashe resident Esther Horgan was brutally murdered by a Palestinian man while out for a winter afternoon run in a grove...

Chronicle: What Israel has done to provide COVID treatment for residents of the Palestinian...

Chronicle: What Israel has done to provide COVID treatment for residents of the Palestinian Authority https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/?s=covid+19

We should have a vaccine against viral propaganda

A response to “The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story”, Mail & Guardian, 13 January 2021 George Orwell, perhaps Great Britain’s greatest gift to Western literature,...

2020 UNRWA Leading Donor Nations Allocation Report Now Released

2020 UNRWA Leading Donor Nations Allocation Report Now Released: https://www.unrwa.org/sites/default/files/2015-2020_top_20_rank_total_20jan.pdf

The Palestinian refugee hoax

The negotiation affairs department of the PLO tweeted on May 15, 2020, “Every nakba commemoration day, we mark the catastrophe that befell our people in 1948,...

Expert: Biden’s Plan to Reinstate Aid to Palestinians is “Premature” and Against U.S. Law

The Biden administration intends to overturn another Trump-era policy by opening Palestinian diplomatic missions and reinstating aid to Palestinians; however, U.S. law prohibits economic...