​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

Gidon Saar, Challenger to Incumbent Netanyahu in Israel election, hires the Lincoln project

Backgrounders: The Lincoln Project posted on their twitter account for all of their followers to create fake linkedin accounts and to attack two law...

Let’s start talking about our rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

JNS - Now is the time to unpack the arsenal of arguments that were not so necessary during the era of former U.S. President...

Statement on educational materials used by UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees...

Global Affairs Canada - “I was deeply concerned when it was recently brought to the attention of Canada and other donors to the United...

4 zoom seminars before and after Holocaust Remembrance Day – Focus on UNRWA anti-semitism

4 zoom seminars before and after Holocaust Remembrance Day - Focus on UNRWA anti-semitism.

Central Bureau of Statistics – Israel in Figures: Selected Data from the Statistical Abstract...

This booklet presents selected data from the Statistical Abstract of Israel 2020. The data relate to 28 topics in accordance with the topics of the...

Wenn die UNO antiisraelischer ist als die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde

Mena-Watch - Nachdem es deutliche Kritik an antisemitischen und Terror verherrlichenden Schulbüchern der Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde gab, die in UNRWA-Schulen verwendet werden, versprach das Palästinenserhilfswerk,...

Jewish leaders raise concerns about Biden’s U.N. approach

Jewish Insider - Earlier this month, the United Nations agency tasked with working with Palestinians said it mistakenly issued textbooks that call for jihad, or...

Whitewashing of Krähenbühl, image maintenance for UNRWA

Once again, anti-Semitic teaching material was found at the United Nations Palestinian Relief Agency - even though the organization had promised to fix this...

Biden’s First Executive Orders Endanger U.S. National Security

ust hours after being sworn in as Commander-in-Chief Tuesday, President Joe Biden has signed a series of executive orders. Two of them specifically endanger...

UNRWA: Teaching Arab children to kill Jews

Israel365 News spoke with David Bedein, CEO & Founder at Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research & Israel Resource News Agency, about how...