​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

Senate wants security guarantees for Israel before US sale of F-35s to UAE

The Senate is calling on the State Department to certify that a pending sale of F-35 stealth fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates (UAE)...

Bari Weiss quits New York Times after bullying by colleagues over views: ‘They have...

New York Times opinion columnist and editor Bari Weiss announced Tuesday she is leaving the Gray Lady, saying she was bullied by colleagues in...

‘The finest teacher of the most important lessons’

IT is rare that a contemporary figure deserves to be called a “giant”, but in the case of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, this title was...

A shooting attack against an IDF force near Nablus ended with the death of...

On November 4, 2020, a Palestinian armed with a hand gun drove to a roadblock near Hawwara (south of Nablus) and opened fire at...

A Biden Presidency Would Mean Your Tax Dollars Going to the Palestinian Jihad

According to Daoud Kuttab in Al-Monitor Friday, the possibility of a Joe Biden presidency, or regency for Kamala Harris, has Palestinian Authority officials “in...

BBC cancels interview with Sharren Haskel about Saeb Erekat

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) canceled an interview it scheduled with Likud MK Sharren Haskel after, according to her, it became clear to them that she...

Rabbi Sacks on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel is dangerously wrong because beneath the surface it's an attempt to delegtimize Israel as a...

מצגת- ספרי הלימוד שלומדים באונרא

הרש"פ מכנה עצמה "מדינת פלסטין" ורואה את עצמה כמדינה לכל דבר הנתונה לכיבוש זר שגבולותיו אינם מתוחמים בקווי 67. השם "מדינת פלסטין", ולא "הרשות הפלסטינית", מופיע...

Ben Salomo- an inspriational songe from Berlin

Ein Jahr nach dem verheerenden antisemitischen Anschlag von Halle, veröffentlicht Ben Salomo seinen neuen Song "Deduschka" und reflektiert darin seine persönliche jüdische Perspektive auf...

Corona Magic!

Here are some things that have been working out better than expected: 1. The Health Ministry – Misrad Habriyut *5400 – they have never been...