​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

UAE Reaffirms long-standing support for Palestinians

The UAE has reiterated its commitment to Palestinians and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Reem bint Ibrahim...

Middle East Expert: The Abraham Accords Contain “Secret Clauses” Pertaining To Temple Mount

Beware of making a covenant with the inhabitants of the land against which you are advancing, lest they be a snare in your midst. Exodus...

With one post by Mark Zuckerberg, Holocaust education changed forever

With the tap of a smartphone, Mark Zuckerberg just had an unfathomable impact on the future of Holocaust education. Read full article, click here.

Bari Weiss: Jews shut out by new totalitarian ‘liberalism’

American Jewish journalist Barri Weiss warned Thursday in Tablet Magazine that radical new ideologies that are taking over American social behavior threaten not only...

Minister of Culture condemns Israeli incitement against artist Mohammed Assaf

Minister of Culture Atef Abu Seif condemned today the Israeli incitement campaign against Palestinian singer and Arab Idol star Mohammed Assaf, describing it as...

Erdan attacks UNRWA over incitement against Israel and ‘refugee’ misdefinition

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, sharply attacked the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the Palestinians during a discussion held by the...

UNRWA, where refugee services meet terrorism

Within a federal budget awash with massive red ink, a modest yet important saving is to be found in the detail of the foreign...

UNRWA Director comes today to the UN. Some backgrounders

UNRWA Director comes today to the UN. Some backgrounders. Hamas control of UNRWA UNRWA Schools Education or Indoctrination of Palestinian Children

Chart: How UAE – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES- now in a peace treaty with Israel,...

UAE & UNRWA – IN $ Year UAE UAE RED CROSS Total $ 2011 1,824,959 1,800,000   3,624,959 2012 1,000,000 2,163,331 3,163,331 2013 2,600,000 18,564,502 21,164,502 2014 16,800,000 42,953,021 59,753,021 2015 16,799,937 8,004,634 24,804,571 2016 16,800,000 9,935,051 26,735,051 2017 12,800,001 2,147 12,802,148 2018 53,800,000 - 53,800,000 2019 51,800,000 - 51,800,000   SOURCE: UNRWA.ORG

New York’s edict pits religious conscience against civic responsibility. That is not supposed to...

New York officials have decided to all but shutter houses of worship in zip codes in Brooklyn and Queens with elevated COVID rates. Whether...