​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

Say a clear NO to Trump’s Plan

Trump's plan - The truth Some consider it a once-in-a-century opportunity. Some say it's very bad for Israel, it's a continuation of the Oslo Accords....

How “Collective Human Rights” Undermine Individual Human Rights

SUMMARY The United States has an opportunity to fill the moral vacuum of international human rights—epitomized by the ever-increasing push to replace individual rights with...

Through Palestinian Eyes – Zvi Yechezkeli and the hidden camera

Through Palestinian Eyes – Zvi Yechezkeli (Channel 13, Israel) and the hidden camera: What do the Palestinians in the territories really think about annexation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tHmVBcxXJA

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Regarding “Endemic hate education in PA schools” (June 21), kudos to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and David Bedein for researching...

Tel Aviv University: Comparative Analysis of Textbooks: Israeli vs. Palestinian

Two scholars have recently published an analysis of school textbooks. One scholar is Prof. Avner Ben-Amos of Tel Aviv University’s School of Education, and...

Is Abbas Destroying Evidence of the PA’s Support for Terrorism?

The President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mahmoud Abbas ordered his security services to destroy “secret documents, fearing possible Israeli raids on their offices,”...

CSN Radio Interview with Israel Journalist David Bedein

President of CSN International, Shannon Scholten, and Washington D.C. news correspondent, Dr. Anthony Harper interview David Bedein. Bedein has his a master's degree in the...

Shlomo Carlebach video


‘Obsession’ with catching far-right extremists to ‘appease the hard left’ in Britain is diverting...

An obsession with catching far-right extremists in Britain is diverting police, MI5 agents and public money away from stopping more dangerous jihadis, a leading...

“Know the Anti-Israel Israeli Professor”

“Know the Anti-Israel Israeli Professor” is a project of Im Tirtzu, Israel’s largest grassroots Zionist movement. The mission of the website is to create an...