​Center for Near East Policy Research

7760 POSTS

Yossi Beilin drawing NIS 350-400 thousand salary covered by European Union

Investigative reporter Yoav Yitzchak report in the February 7th issue of Ma'ariv that former Labor Party MK Yossi Beilin is drawing an annual salary...

Egypt Continues Missile Projects in North Korea

The CIA has dismissed Egyptian assertions that Cairo has ended its missile relationship with North Korea. In both congressional testimony and in its latest report,...

Al Quds (Palestinian daily) Editorial Explains Palestinians Won’t Honor Security Obligations if Israel Doesn’t...

The contacts of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign minister Shimon Peres with a number of high-level Palestinian officials have given the...

The Palestinians See a ‘Joan of Arc’

Wafa Idris, who detonated a bomb on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem two weeks ago, killing herself and an 81-year-old man, and injuring 140 people,...

News Stories Inside the Palestinian Authority Not Reported Elsewhere: Accountability and the PLO

PLO representative in Washington, Hassan Abdul Rahman has kept millions of dollars for Palestinian students from abroad. He spent money to buy huge homes...

Military Implications of the Seizure of the PLO Gun Ship

Alongside the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been involved -- since the beginning of the second...

Military Implications of the Seizure of the PLO Gun Ship

Alongside the diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been involved -- since the beginning of the second...

When the Captain of the PLO Gunship Gave a news Interview

The Captain Speaks Akawi: "I knew the weapons were destined for the Gaza Strip". Ma'ariv (p. 8) by Oded Granot -- "I knew the weapons were...

Was Arafat Responsible for the PLO Gun Ship?

Seamen admit: we reported every step to the PA Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 7) by Alex Fishman -- Members of the Israeli intelligence service burst into laughter...

How the Israeli Media Covered the Capture of a PA Ammo ship

In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday morning, January 3, 2002, IDF naval commando troops seized control of the Karine-A vessel without a fight and...