​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

Professional Review of the Palestinian Authority teachers guide

Analysis of “REPORT: PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS”, compiled by the “Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace” CMIP); Research Director: Itamar Marcus. (CMIP is...

This week in the official Palestinian Authority media

This week, the Palestinian press dwelt on the Palestinian achievements in the Camp David summit, and how Israel was pulled closer to the positions...

Eastern Jerusalem Arabs paying taxes to remain Israeli and avoid PLO annexation

(August 4 2000) Arabs of eastern Jerusalem have begun paying up all their debts to the Jerusalem Municipality, including all the taxes and fees, in...

Palestinian Summer Camp Offers the Games of War

NABLUS, West Bank, Aug. 2 -- It is summer camp time for 25,000 Palestinian teenagers, and strikingly unusual camps they are, too. As run...

Arafat lies about his birthplace

What a difference a birthplace makes: How, contrary to the facts, was Arafat born in Jerusalem? One of the pieces of information leaked to the...

PMW – This Week in the Palestinian Media 3 August 2000

While the Camp David talks were still in progress it was evident from the PA media that the talks were headed for failure. Had...

Palestinian Refugee Issue Complicates Israeli-PA Negotiations

Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) -- Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat heads to Washington next week, with two issues foremost in his mind: the future of Jerusalem...

Arafat Aides Complain of Conflicting Orders

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is issuing conflicting policy decisions to his aides as he is being pressed by the United States to reach...

Anti-Barak Rhetoric in the Egyptian Media

Since the collapse of the Clinton-Assad summit in Geneva, both the government and the opposition press in Egypt have been increasingly critical of Israeli...

Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for...