​Center for Near East Policy Research

7838 POSTS

Justice and Jonathan Pollard

In the wake of the Wye River negotiations has come a barrage of new attacks against Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. naval intelligence analyst...

Cabinet Decision Leaves Options Open

While Prime Minister Netanyahu has publicly declared that there would be no additional Israeli withdrawals before the Palestinians satisfactorily address a series of issues...

How the Palestinian Media Reacted to the Attack on Iraq

On a few occasions, as reported by the Palestinian media, high-ranking figures have called for violence and support of Iraq: The Palestinian Minister of Public...

Scenario Two: When No Parent Knows How to Light the Chanukah Candles

When Yitzhak Rabin was murdered, his son attempted to read the Kaddish at his funeral. He was unable to say the words of the...

Al-Ahram Weekly: The Egyptian View of the PNC Vote

Success Penalised by Mohamed Sid-Ahmed Heading: The decision of the US Congress to go forward with the impeachment proceedure threatens to overshadow Bil Clinton's spectacular Middle East...

My Almost-Trip to Israel

Considering that the President is aware that I strongly disagree with his position toward Israel, it was a huge surprise when the President invited...

Implementation of the Wye Agreement: Release of Palestinian Prisoners

Israel's release of ordinary criminal prisoners instead of security prisoners in the wake of the Wye Agreement has provoked anger among Palestinians. Those members...

The Habit of Hatred

Israel charges that the level of incitement in the Palestinian media and the education system is sowing the seeds of the next conflict If you...

Death Sentence on Israelis

Not only has a Palestinian land law come into being, but a Palestinian law on weapons is also now in effect, according to which...

Palestinian Media since the Wye Agreement

1. The State of Israel as "Occupied Palestine" Terminology that expresses non-recognition of the existence of Israel. Cities of Israel are cities of Palestine. The maps of...