​Center for Near East Policy Research

8174 POSTS

US Consulate: US Never Cited Palestinian Violation

IMRA spoke with Amjad Hidmi, an Information Specialist at the United States Information Service at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, in English, on March...

Egypt: Copts, Terrorism, Press Freedom

The following are excerpts from articles which appeared in the Egyptian English weekly, "Al-Ahram" of Al-Ahram Weekly 26th March - 1st April 1998 "Coptic MP...

Urgent Memo to Israel Government Cabinet Secretary, Dani Naveh, From Jonathan Pollard

Israel Minister of Infrastructure Ariel Sharon charged at the Cabinet meeting today (April 5) that Israel has mismanaged the Pollard Affair from the start...

A Battle, Not A Massacre

NEW YORK- A pro-Arab lobby group which has always claimed that 254 Arabs died during the 1948 battle of Deir Yassin has quietly changed...

International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism Website

The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, today (Sunday), 29.3.98, announces the opening of its new website at www.ict.org.il. The site consists of a...

No Deal Without Return of ’48 Refugees

Jamal Shati Al-Hindi is a Fatah Jenin representative in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) where he is Chairman of the PLC Refugee and Diaspora...

Did Israel Inject “AIDS” to Palestinian Children?

Israel cannot allow the Palestinian Authority's incitement methods to go unchecked. Nabil Ramlawi, the PLO's representative in Geneva, apologized last week to the UN Committee...

Palestinian Christians Win U.S. Political Asylum

American courts have for the first time granted political asylum to two West Bank evangelical Christians on the grounds of religious persecution. And more...

Are Stolen Cars More Important Than Escaped Killers?

"Killer Watch" notes that Kahalani "neglected" to ask Arafat to arrest the killers whom Arafat has welcomed to the Palestine Authority. Are cars more...

Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Children’s TV Program

Video is available from "SHALOM LEDOROT" - Address listed below. This video was shown at the March 11, 1998 hearings at the US Senate Foreign...