​Center for Near East Policy Research

7830 POSTS

Israel Tried To Warn Biden Admin About UNRWA. A Top US Official Declined the...

When Israel's ambassador was denied a meeting with the Biden administration in May 2021, he was looking to raise concerns about American funding to...

The Dead Sea at the crossroads of war: Reflecting on Iran’s recent missile strike

On April 13 and 14, Iran executed its first direct attack on Israel amid the current conflict, starkly underscoring the fragile security environment that...

Did Iran attack Israel with assurances from Biden?

Normally I don't cover breaking news, but this is too important. I was wrong. I believed the Iranians would not attack Israel directly as they had...

Biden ‘knowingly and unlawfully’ gave $1.5B that helped fund Hamas, other terror groups: suit

The Biden administration has “knowingly and unlawfully” provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank, allowing US tax dollars to...
The Dome of the Rock atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City, with the lights of missile interceptions visible in the night sky, early on April 14, 2024, after Iran fired ballistic missiles at Israel. (Times of Israel, Social media/X; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

The PLO-PA-Iranian Terror Alliance

The silence of the Palestinian leadership in the face of the Iranian missile attack on Israel is further proof that the Palestine Liberation Organization...

Iran’s attack on Israel stirs admiration among Gaza Palestinians

CAIRO, April 14 (Reuters) - Iran's attack on Israel drew applause from many Palestinians in Gaza on Sunday as rare payback for the Israeli...
Israelis take cover in a safe room in Jerusalem after a Red Alert siren sounds as a barrage of missiles, rockets and drones are launched by Iran towards the Jewish state on April 14, 2024. Photo by Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90.

American calls for Israeli restraint won’t make either nation safer

In the view of the Biden administration, restraint, like virtue, is its own reward. Having helped Israel fend off an unprecedented Iranian missile and...

Hamas has always had and still has grandiose plans to enslave and slaughter Israel’s...

During World War II, the Nazis envisioned enslaving and eventually exterminating the Jewish race. Muslims in the Middle East and Central Europe were happy...

‘Will not allow U.S. to use our land to attack Iran’, Qatar, Kuwait say

Amid a fresh warning that Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours, the United States of America has said that Iran should not engage...