​Center for Near East Policy Research

7841 POSTS

What Should Be Learned from the Gaza Disengagement?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The debate over the interpretation of the clear and present danger emanating from Gaza in the wake of the 2005 unilateral disengagement holds...

Hamas weapons training for UNRWA students

Aired on Israel Channel 11 TV and filmed by crew engaged by the Center for Near East Policy Research. Aired August 2019. כאן חדשות |...

Who benefits from UNRWA services?

Who benefit UNRWA Services? Only the descendants of Arabs who fled during the 1948 war, now funded with a budget of $1.2 billion dollars...

Discover Sweden’s Moose Relationship with Israel

People may think the Swedish anti-Semitic government is in charge in Sweden. This is wrong! Sweden has a very special governor who rules; the...

Palestine is a Geographical Area, Not a Nationality

Palestine is a name coined by the Romans around 135 CE from the name of a seagoing Aegean people who settled on the coast...

David Bedein discusses UNRWA Reform on Australian radio

David Bedein - The Israel Connexion David Bedein is the Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, which is dedicated to proactive, investigative research...

Outrageous Covers at a Saudi Book Fair

After 250 years, the Saudi dynasty under Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman appears cautiously to be exiting the Wahhabi hammerlock. But books on display...

Auschwitz survivor celebrates 104th birthday with 400 descendants at Western Wall

Holocaust survivor Shoshana Ovitz wanted to celebrate her 104th birthday in a special way. Her birthday wish –  For all 400 of her descendants...

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (July 31 – August 6, 2019)

On Friday, August 2, 2019, the return march in the Gaza Strip was held with about 6,000 participants (the average for the past...