Powder Keg in Gaza

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/powder-keg-in-gaza The violent blows exchanged between Israel and armed Islamist groups in Gaza over the past few weeks mark a dangerous shift. The pattern of occasional clashes established after Israel's 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead has...

The Palestinian Conflict with Israel is Not the Core of the Middle East Conflict

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/evelyn-gordon/palestinian-conflict-israel-not-core-middle-east-conflict#.UKHaubJmTpw As Syria's civil war drags on, it is increasingly destabilizing its neighbors. First, hundreds of thousands of refugees poured over their borders; now, violence has as well. Turkey and Syria have repeatedly exchanged deadly...

Washington’s Failure to Rein in UNRWA

General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, offers two options, repatriation and resettlement, to achieve the reintegration of the Palestinian Arab refugees "into the economic life of the Near East." Yet,...

Where Would Hezbollah Be Without the EU?

The EU has been here before. During the same period they came up with their false wall-of-separation within Hezbollah, they they did the same thing with Hamas. The fiction disappeared in Europe because it...

The Legal Basis of Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=58871 The Legal Basis of Israel’s Naval Blockade of GazaProf. Ruth Lapidoth, July 18, 2010 Jerusalem Issue Briefs Vol. 10, No. 4 http://jcpa.org/article/the-legal-basis-of-israel%E2%80%99s-naval-blockade-of-gaza/ -The relations between Israel and Hamas are in the nature of armed conflict. Nowadays no...

Refugee Lawyer David Matas: UNWRA, Palestinian and Jewish Refugees :There are No International Instruments...

http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=2899&sec=1&title=Refugee_Lawyer_David_Matas:_UNWRA,_Palestinian__and_Jewish_Refugees_:There_are_No_International_Instruments_which_Give_Palestinians_A_Right_of_Return (The following is an excerpt of Remarks prepared for a delivery to a conference on Justice for Jews from Arab countries, Jerusalem, Israel, 10 September 2012) There is a troubling pattern of claimed Palestinian rights...

Some UNRWA Refugees Have Resettled

http://www.meforum.org/3364/unrwa-refugees-resettled The question whether the U.N. Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has successfully reintegrated Palestinian refugees into the normal life of the Middle East has long been a...

Telling Israel like it is – in Arabic

I first met Boshra Khalaila in the Spring of 2010, at the Ministry of Public Diplomacy’s offices in Jerusalem. She was 24 at the time. Like me, she’d been alarmed by the public relations...

Brothers in Arms: Would Hizballah and Hamas Join Iran in a War Against Israel?

http://www.biu.ac.il/SOC/besa/docs/perspectives185.pdf EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There is a prevalent view that in the event of an Israeli strike on Iran, Tehran’s proxies in Lebanon and Gaza - Hizballah and Hamas - would join in retaliation against Israel....

Abbas is right – Education can incite

http://www.thecommentator.com/article/1841/abbas_is_right_education_can_incite Mahmoud Abbas's recent speech in the UN included a reference to the inciting Israeli books that encouraged the latest surge of violence committed by Jewish settlers aimed at hurting Palestinian citizens. This violence "is the...