The Iran-Hamas Alliance: Threat and Folly

Perspectives Paper No. 28, May, 2007 Since the US invasion of Iraq, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Iran has taken on the behavior of a regional hegemon. Indeed, Ahmadinejad speaks and acts as if he is the...

The Amir Peretz Paradigm: “… I know nothing about security.”

On March 23, 2006, five days before the Israeli elections, I accompanied my second son, Elchanon, to the Israeli army recruitment center in Jerusalem, from where he was to begin his service in the...

Olmert’s Hand Picked War Investigation Commission Issues Scathing Attack on Olmert

During the 34 days of Israel's war in Lebanon last summer, the Israeli Prime Minister's Cabinet Secretary conducted constant briefings with the media, repeating over and over the precise war aims of the Israeli...

Senior Editor of Israel TV Channel One comments on BBC Tendentiousness

I learned the name of a British citizen, one Steven Sugar, after following the battle that he is waging (on my behalf as well, as an Israeli citizen who seeks the good of his...

Hamas Launches Missile Attacks On Israel’s Independence Day: World Surprises Israel And Recognizes Hamas...

The Palestinian-operated Ma'an news agency reported yesterday that Hamas, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, took responsibility for launching more than 80 missiles into the Israeli communities that border Gaza during Israel's Independence...

Commetary: Post Independence Day Observations

Two pieces have come to my attention that I would like to share. The first is by Michael Freund, who, in "A Broom and a Flag," tells the story of Rabbi Avraham Yaakov, who...

Sources: Olmert won’t respond because no Israelis killed

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert today decided against carrying out a large-scale offensive in the Gaza Strip in response to a massive Hamas rocket attack and attempted kidnapping yesterday because no Israelis were killed in...

Iran May Be Fueling New Palestinian Missile War On Israel

The Middle East Newsline reports that Israel's military expects the next war to include intense rocket and missile attacks on the Jewish state, which will emanate from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority. "We experienced...

“Bill Clinton: Israel-Syria peace deal could be reached within 35 minutes”

A peace agreement between Israel and Syria could be reached within 35 minutes, former U.S. president Bill Clinton told the Lebanon-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Clinton said Israel and Syria were...

Abusing the Holocaust

Kenneth Roth, the head of Human Rights Watch, opened a recent response to critics of his statements on Israel (including the author of this column) by referring to his father's "escape" from Nazi Germany....