We need the guts to say no to Rice

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his successor Ehud Olmert justified unilateral disengagement on the grounds that we were obliged to take initiatives to break the impasse in the absence of a Palestinian peace partner. In...

Israel – The American Interest

The question of whether Israel is or is not an asset to the United States is one we rarely bother to ask ourselves. Time and again, we see prominent Americans -- presidents of the...

Israeli Sources: Hezbollah Reeling From Setbacks American Sources More Skeptical

Reliable Israeli intelligence sources now report that Hezbollah suffered significant setbacks as a result of the Lebanon War, both in terms of its fighting force - one-tenth of which was reportedly killed - and...

President al-Assad Gives an Interview to Kuwaiti Newspaper of al-Anba

With regard to the possibility of war with Israel for the restoration of occupied Golan, the president said: "Syria expects an Israeli aggression at any time, and Syria knows that Israel has a powerful...

The Beirut Arab Summit declaration

"II- Achievement of a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem to be agreed upon in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194." The Beirut Arab Summit declaration Regional, Politics, 3/29/2002 www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/020329/2002032908.html In its 14th...


Hizbullah has concealed much of its arsenal in southern Lebanon. Hizbullah commander Nabil Qawk said the Iranian-sponsored militia has maintained an arsenal near the Israeli border in wake of the 34-day war with Israel, which...

Immoderate Fatah: A responsible Palestinian representative would be helpful, but there just isn’t one.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is currently in the Middle East. As has been the case in the past, one of her goals is to "strengthen" the "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas. Her desire to do...

UNIFIL Spokesman Alexander Ivanko: Our Role is not to Disarm

IMRA interviewed UNIFIL Spokesman Alexander Ivanko, in English, on 4 October. IMRA: I had some questions about the UNIFIL press statement (see full text below). " In situations where the LAF are not in a position...

Our World: Tzipi Livni and us

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is an interesting case study in how a public image can trump professional competence in Israeli politics. Livni was brought into politics by then prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1999. The...

Spokesman of U.N. Sec’y Gen’l: U.N. Will Not Honor Request To Disarm Hezbollah

For the past six weeks, since the United Nations Security Council facilitated a cease-fire on the Israeli-Lebanese border, there was one promise given by the U.N. - that it would implement a process to...