Retreat from Gaza?

Since December 2003, Ariel Sharon has astonished friend and foe alike, embracing the very idea he opposed in the elections that confirmed him in power in January 2003. The idea is "unilateral disengagement," whereby Israel,...

Russian Supply of Missiles to Syria

Russian Sale of Missiles to Syria TEL AVIV -- Russia said the sale of its anti-aircraft missiles to Syria would reduce Israeli air force missions over that Arab country. The Russian assessment has been shared...

When World Leaders Forget that the US Congress Must Foot the Bill

While the Bush-Sharon Summit focused on mutual threats (e.g. Iran and Islamic terrorism), it has highlighted a few basic misunderstandings - in Israel - concerning the US political system, US-Israel relations and Disengagement. For example,...

A Strategic Assessment

This piece assesses the implications of the Sharon government's success last week in pushing through its Gaza withdrawal plan, in terms of historically unprecedented nature of this step and its legally dubious nature, then...

Sharon’s 10 premises for his withdrawal plan should be questioned

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...

A Security Error of Historical Magnitude

Strategic Assessment Volume 7, No. 3, December 2004 Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University The Aims of the Disengagement Plan On April 18, 2004, the Israeli government issued a general outline of its proposed unilateral disengagement...

Beneath the Moderate Veneer

"If anyone deserves to be given a chance, this is the guy." So declared Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, referring to PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), in an address just this past...

Olmert Distorts Reality of Israel’s Northern Border For Visiting Jewish Organizations

On February 18th, 2005, during a public presentation for the annual Jerusalem meeting of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations from North America, Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert pointed to Israel's...

Arafat’s Secret Financial Affairs

Yassir Arafat's triumphant return to Gaza on July 1 1994 heralded an era of hope for Palestinians. Under the interim Oslo accords with Israel, the new Palestinian Authority won a five-year period of self-rule...

Critique of Abu Mazen from a Pro-Palestinian Advocacy Organization

"Among the fancy new villas, fanciest is that of Abu Mazen, key negotiator of the ill-fated Oslo accord. It is not clear who paid for this $2 million-plus affair, all balconies and balustrades in...