“In the Next Few Weeks, an Earthquake Will Take Place”

Question: Are the Americans deployed in the Gulf with sufficient forces to enable them to land a crushing blow on Iraq already? "So it seems. They are capable. When the command is given." Question: So you...

“I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon’s death… ...

I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon's death and the Space Shuttle crash to my five-year-old son, Gilad. Like all Israeli school children, Ilan had become his hero. Sixteen days...

Does Arafat have an American Insurance Policy??

It is safe to assume that Yasser Arafat did not wait last night anxiously for the decision of the Israeli political echelon, which convened in the Prime Minister's Bureau in Tel Aviv last night...

Danger of Foreign Troop Intervention in Jerusalem

The latest panacea for Middle East peace, now gaining momentum, is the dispatching of foreign troops whose dual task would be to create a Palestinian Arab state and mitigate Arab terror. Foreign troops would...

Shefa Fund Fights Charge of Aiding IDF Deserters: Bedein Responds

At a time of economic difficulties in Israel, it has now become a profitable enterprise to desert the IDF and to "refuse to serve". Now that is what we call a financial incentive for IDF...

Does the Palestinian Authority official media prepare their people for war against the US?

It would indeed seem that the official Palestinian Authority media has been increasing their enmity toward the United States. The sentiment could be seen particularly during the sermons broadcast on PA radio and television. On...

Inside the Palestinian Authority Media: The Baghdad-Ramallah Connection

For months, the Palestinian Authority has tried to play down its support for Iraq. PA approval for the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his efforts to conceal weapons of mass destruction from...

Shefa Fund Responds to Criticism

The Shefa Fund is a 15-year-old Jewish public foundation committed to Jewish values, including emphatic support for the State of Israel and the well-being of the Jewish people. Shefa is currently the target of...

Jews Who Raise Funds to Pay Israeli Soldiers to Desert the Army

Over the past two years, the Palestinian Authority has conducted a campaign to encourage the cold blooded murder of 682 men, women and children throughout the land of Israel. As a result, the IDF has...

The Question No Candidate in the Israeli Elections Wants to Answer: Must Israel End...

This article was written by a veteran American correspondent based in Israel who asked that his name not be used. Israeli politicians love to talk and the rhetoric during the current campaign for Knesset elections...