Translation of Current “Yesh Gvul” Leaflet for Distribution to Encourage IDF soldiers to Desert

The Yesh Gvul Campaign: This is a translation of the current Yesh Gvul leaflet for distribution to IDF soldiers: Soldier We all want to defend our country. We're all sick and tired of terrorism. We all want peace. But do...

Where Does the Money Go? A Study of the Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority: Where Does the Money Go? The following is an examination of how the PA, led by Yasser Arafat, has systemically and systematically used corruption and crime, and diverted funds donated for the...

Funds for Arab Terror From Israel. Following US Pressure on Israel, Israel Ministry of...

Israel this week transferred NIS 70 million to the Palestinian Authority to cover an outstanding debt, thereby supplying the PA with the possibility of re-equipping and regrouping for a new round of battles that...

UN Accused Of Complicity In Murder Of Israelis

The United Nations was accused Wednesday of allegedly helping Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist forces ambush three Israeli soldiers and abduct an Israeli citizen traveling in Europe. The accusations were made by the mother of one of...

U.S. Drug Ring Tied to Aid for Hezbollah

WASHINGTON, September 2 (AP) Federal investigators say an illegal drug operation in the Midwest, run by men of Middle Eastern descent, funneled proceeds to Middle East terrorist groups like Hezbollah. Since the ring was smashed...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...

The EU and their Questionable Allocations in the Middle East

Those even-handed Euros are always at the forefront of the drive for Mideast peace. The European Union continues to pour oodles of aid money into an economically and politically corrupt Palestinian Authority. Less known is...

Serving in the IDF Reserves: The Meaning of True Friendship

There are special moments in a man's life that not only help define him but also leave him with memories of accomplishment and fulfillment. In my life of 46 years those moments have included:...

Israel Chief of Staff Speaks His Mind

Yaalon: "The Palestinians are an existential threat: Iraq is not." Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 2) by Rami Hazut -- "If we don't win this war against the Palestinians,we will find ourselves facing a threat of cancer-like...

Don’t Confuse us with Facts – How Israeli Military Intelligence Botched Assessments of Arafat

During a cabinet meeting in 1994, then head of Military Intelligence Major General Uri Saguy, presented a "personal memorandum." The Israel Defense Forces MI chief has the right to present such a document, which...