U.S. Mulls Unfreezing Iranian Assets

http://www.menewsline.com/ The United States, breaking away from official nuclear talks, could unfreeze Iranian assets in exchange for Teheran's pledge to limit uranium enrichment, a report said. The Middle East Media and Research Institute asserted that President...


http://www.gloria-center.org/2013/12/a-look-at-international-survey-data-about-arab-opinion/ This article evaluates Arab public opinion with the “Arab Opinion Index” by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) in Doha, Qatar. The Index covers 12 Arab countries with 85 percent...

David Bedein’s coverage of Israel for the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, August-October, 2006

10/24/06 Seven Armed Palestinian Terrorists Killed In Gaza The IDF fire resulted in the death of Atta Fuad Shanbari, the commander of the Popular Resistance Committees in the northern Gaza Strip, and six others. Israeli...

Israel launches dialogue with the Saudis

ISRAEL, SAUDIS BEGIN DIALOGUE ON REGION The government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has launched a dialogue with Saudi Arabia to ensure stability in the Middle East. Western diplomatic sources said Olmert, with the help...

Middle East Mess Isn’t About Settlements

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-02/middle-east-mess-isn-t-about-settlements-.html In an interview with Charles Gati in Politico Magazine, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter, proves once again that he is a man of profound religious faith. He worships...

Morsi’s just not that into Iran

http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/30/morsis_just_not_that_into_iran_0 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had high hopes for the visit to Tehran by new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. His trip on Thursday for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit might have been brief -- his...

Incisive Perspective: Syria and Saudi Arabia

Syria Murders Hundreds; "Pro-`Arab Spring'" West Yawns or Supports Syrian Regime The situation in Syria is terrible. Hundreds of people have been shot; others arrested and tortured. And yet after weeks of demonstrations and repression...

Iran Behind Israel Border Clashes

http://www.newsmax.com/KenTimmerman/iran-israel-syria-hamas/2011/05/17/id/396681 The Iranian regime called the political leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah to Tehran last month, to work out the details of an unprecedented series of protests they wanted them to launch along Israel’s border...

Our World: The West’s proxy war against the Jews

By focusing attention on Israel and its crimes, Europeans, American admirers ignore Islamic war against Israel, global jihad. It was a stunning moment of moral clarity. As the South Vietnamese refugees clambered onto rickety boats in the...

Why the Current U.S. Foreign Policy Debate Doesn’t Make Sense and How to Fix...

http://rubinreports.blogspot.co.il/2013/01/a-totally-new-american-foreign-policy.html Something very bad is happening with the U.S. foreign policy debate. Aside from all of the specific problems and bad appointments, the whole discussion is being conducted on the wrong assumptions and context. There is...