The Myth of Palestinian Centrality The "Palestinian cause" has been at the forefront of discourse on the Middle East for nearly a century. It has long formed the primary common concern of pan-Arab solidarity and its most effective...

Hassan Rowhani: A Honey Trap for Iran and the World? Sayyed Hassan Rowhani, who adopted the color purple during the election campaign, won an overwhelming victory in the first round of the Iranian presidential election with a majority of over 50 percent, leaving Saeed...

Will the Rebels Win Syria’s Civil War and What That Means The tide seems to be turning in Syria. While the civil war is far from over, the regime is clearly weakening; the rebels are expanding their operations and effectiveness. There have also been more...

News Analysis

First, a critique of an article -- "Are US Officials Understanding and Responding to the Middle Crisis? Ya Think?" -- by Barry Rubin, director of the Gloria Center. As to that "Ya think?" Rubin explains:...

Commentary: The Baker-Hamilton Report, Syria, and More

Recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission on how to proceed in Iraq have not been formally announced as yet, but they have been leaked. A major -- and hugely horrendous -- proposal is that...

The US will not Break off Contact Yet it Defines it as a Terror...

US Response to PA Bush: We won't replace Arafat and we won't close PLO offices Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 4) by Shimon Shiffer -- The US does not plan to close the PLO offices in Washington and...

Interview with The Director of IDF Intelligence: “… Iraq Has Non-Conventional Weapons”

Where is Saddam Hussein? Is he alive or dead? What became of his sons? Where is he hiding the missiles and launchers? What are the "sensitive things" that Saddam's associates in Baghdad handed over...

NATO To Israeli Minister: ‘Don’t Count On Us To Act Against Iran’

Leading NATO officials believe that Israel, ultimately, will be forced to cope alone with the Iranian nuclear program. This was reported recently by Israel Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Israel Prime Minister Ehud...


There are many people in Israel who feel like these past two weeks have been the longest two weeks in their lives. Since the moment the abduction became public knowledge, the tension is palpable....

The Long Shadow of the Guards This week saw further clashes between the two rival power centers vying for influence over Iranian foreign and domestic policy. In one corner stands a faction dedicated to rehabilitating Iran’s international standing, epitomized by...