Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism: Mainstream Not Renegade

1. Hate-Education-Driven-Terrorism. The July 2, 2008 Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism constituted a precise Palestinian human-missile, guided by Palestinian hate-education, instituted in 1994 by Abu-Mazen, then Arafat's first deputy, and proliferated via Abu Mazen's current educational-religious-media infrastructures....

The Obama Government Backs the Atrocity-Producing Forces So How Will it Stop Atrocities? How can one write satire when the Obama Administration has created an Atrocities Prevention Board to prevent mass murder and genocide at the same time as it has been largely supporting the forces most...

US Authorizes Financial Support For the Free Syrian Army The waiver was received from the Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) last week, Brian Sayers, of the Syrian Support Group, told Al- Monitor in an interview Friday. “The OFAC decision is huge,”...


The United States has determined that Iran has brought to Iraq advanced weaponry used by Hizbullah in the war against Israel. Officials said U.S. military intelligence has detected the use by Iraqi insurgents of advanced...

Documents Seized at the PLO Orient House Reveal Arafat’s Direct Orders to the Tanzim

Israel has uncovered documents in recent days that irrefutably link Yasser Arafat with acts of terror being committed by the Fatah Tanzeem militia and by other terror organizations. Other documents strongly suggest that Arafat and...

Analysis: Turmoil in Egypt

As Egypt's much-anticipated moment of crisis arrived and popular rebellions shook governments across the Middle East, Iran stands as never before at the center of the region. Its Islamist rulers are within sight of...

Israel’s Tri-Dimensional Strategy

Dr. Emmanuel Navon (formerly: Mréjen) is a consultant, an academic and a public speaker specialized in International Relations. He was born in 1971 in Paris, where he went to an English-speaking school and graduated...

Vive la Freeze!,0 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman is back in Geneva, making another go at an interim agreement between Iran and the so-called E3/EU+3. (That's "E3" as in three European countries: Britain,...


Marc Garlasco, the senior Human Rights Watch expert is one of the authors of some of the most venomous reports against Israel and the IDF. But he has another occupation: He a compulsive collector...

Embracing the Land Every morning he wakes up, prays, prepares tea, carries the old tea pot and a small glass and goes to check on his trees and plants. He wanders between the loquat tree and the...