Reality Check: The Hazards of Optimism Psychological factors have always played a decisive role in the assessment of political trends. Yet until recently they have not been analyzed. Now neuroscientists (rather than political scientists) are talking about optimism and pessimism...

The New Arab Apartheid

From the link (Hebrew ×"×פרט×"×™×™×" ×"ערבי): May 14, 2011 The real “nakba,” which is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement....

How young can a Rabbi be?

Photo by: Rhonda Spivak Fourteen-year-old Moshe Sharify, a quiet, pious and extremely gifted child, desperately wants to become a rabbi. However, an unofficial ruling doesn’t allow this. Fourteen-year-old boy wonder Moshe Raziel Sharify, who lives with...

Hizb ut-Tahrir: Islam Has Replaced Communism as Top U.S. Enemy A radical Islamist group which claims a presence in nearly 50 countries is so confident it can help establish a global Muslim government - or caliphate - that it distributed a draft constitution during...

Official PA Radio News: Voice of Palestine January 25-26, 2001

Summary and Analysis Palestinian Authority reversed its one-day condemnation-of-terror policy Thursday night and Friday, following the shooting death of an Israeli civilian near the Atarot industrial zone in northern Jerusalem. The PA and its Voice of...

Kurdish Advances The stunning collapse of the Iraqi army in Mosul, and the rapid advance of the fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) through Tikrit and toward Baghdad has created a new...

An action plan for Syria Aleppo - Syria’s largest city, its commercial capital and an ancient heritage site - has been under relentless assault for close to a month. The siege has followed what has been called “Assad’s pattern of...

WJC ANALYSIS – Is the war in Syria undermining the Palestinian claim to the... _ The fate of the Assad regime in Syria has been the main focus of media attention in recent months. Yet, another crisis has quietly developed on the sidelines of the Syrian calamity which...

The Palestinian refugees — a reality check Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...

Damascus to Rearm Saddam

A secret deal has been agreed between Syria and Iraq for the supply of military equipment to Baghdad, according to Middle East intelligence sources. Relations between the two countries have been improving significantly in recent...